
The Friends finale was white 9/11.

It's also been a beautiful build up of Chuck as the perfect antivillain to Jimmy's antihero.

It was kind of Saturday Night Live to let 85-year-old Nick Jonas play a couple of songs and pretend he's still a pop star.

I hate being antiboscis when she's so enormously proboscis.

She's written many songs that she keeps in her trunk.

Maria's not an asset to the abbey.

90 Odd Minutes of Ugh.

Margo Price nose music.

Are we not pure? “No sir!” Panama’s moody Noriega brags. “It is garbage!” Irony dooms a man; a prisoner up to new era.

thereby leaving himself vulnerable to hecklers or anyone who isn’t a fan of the Focking-parents film series

Header Image: Geraldo's mustache has gone right past Old West Saloon Keeper and ventured into Guy On The Pringles Can territory.

The real crime here is that Mayan Calendar Man didn't turn up in Alan Moore's Gotham arc of Swamp Thing.

Indiana Jones and The Year Reese Witherspoon Was Born

Spoilers on a 20 year old movie but:

I always have to remember "AIDS quilt good, smallpox blanket bad."

But any man on Mars instantly becomes the most interesting man on Mars which undermines your premise.

Ryan Murphy directed the everlovin' pulpy hell out of this episode. Yay courtroom digital snap zooms! Yay marching Mark Fuhrman to the stand from behind to Portishead's "Sour Times!" Yay low-lit Marcia Clark/Chris Darden soul music bonding scenes!

Patrick Fischler's eyes in that scene. The performance of a lifetime.

Disney's sexy anthropomorphic foxes used to shoot arrows and get in adventures. This douche just checks his phone.

May I just say that the slow fade of the titles was worthy of a Coen Bros. porn parody?