
When you photoshop
Cause you think you should
Who ya gonna call?

I thought there was already an app that tells you how many sex offenders live in your area.

2 Black Dudes: Because 4 black dudes is still too scary for your grandparents.

This is good news for people who hate laughter.

Al Franken left SNL and became a US Senator.

**Nathan pulls his hat low, vanishing into the crowd.

According to Hollywood blowjob legend, Nancy felt a lifelong sense of oral competition with Elizabeth Taylor, who claims Ronald Reagan would drop in for blowjobs when The Gipper was 37 and Liz was only 15.

Meanwhile, on an alternate Earth, Stanley Kubrick's Napoleon only exists because Warner Brothers' CEO has a blank check and a passion for cinema.

The important question here is who's playing Scott Holmes aka Mike, The World's Greatest Blowjob Face "Me Underwears" Guy?

ABC: Discover just how marginally talented C-list celebrities can be.

DJ, on the phone: "That's okay, Michelle. I'm just moving back home, mourning the death of my husband and struggling to raise three kids who just lost their loving father in the most expensive city in the United States. As a millionaire fashion designer, no need to take a day to fly in and console me over an event

MC Serch

A guy with three hands would be great around the house - dishes, cleaning out the gutters. Finally a positive role model for paper-hangers everywhere.

Star Fox Zero?

George should've grabbed the mic, stared wild-eyed into the camera and manically spit statistics about the melting point of steel.

(Troubled loner on the spectrum tries to convince you the burp noises of Jedi and the fart noises of The Phantom Menace are thematically linked, a deliberate stylistic choice dating back to cave paintings)

They made a sequel to Star Wars?

With all due respect to Cara Delevingne's eyebrows, Laureline was the role Karen Gillan was born to play.

Well, he'll be playing a short creep with the face of a 50 year old man on a child's body who can't act so…perfect casting?

I also love the weird bit where late one night Mr. Eddy calls Pete and with unspeakable menace asks him if he's okay.