
"It's a graveyard smash!" - Peter Travers, Rolling Stone.

Oh the nights along the beach, her in a white string bikini, me in my Lon Chaney Sr. printed T, discussing Uncle Forry.

Because if there's one guy female audiences 18 to 49 want to fuck, it's the guy who subscribes to Famous Monsters of Filmland magazine.

"Coming off the thrill of go-kart racing, I wanted to harvest Brendan's blood as quickly as possible."

I was a big fan of Masturbation back when it starred Scarlett Johansson. For the last few seasons, I haven't really gotten into any of the new characters.

Zachary has clearly had millions of girlfriends.

Length of time it will take Amelie Gillette to work the word "Founders" into a casual conversation? 8 minutes.

Zack Snyder, looking at concept art, "Well, I could make Doomsday look like he has in the comics for 20 years, or I could make him look like an 8 foot tall wet shit man."

Just go ahead and cast the smirking blond midget who plays Peeta in The Hunger Games because fuck you, human enjoyment.

No Ricky, they said schlock comedian.

I'm sure it's just a coincidence that Bob Iger has 2500 dicks.

But who will explain The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act to me after that episode of Pete and Pete where Nona dances with Iggy Pop but before an all new KaBlam!?

Tom and Crow carrying their trays of fake dishes throughout that scene is about the most charming thing ever.

C is for that feeling of uncertainty for not quite knowing what ethnic group you're from.

I can't upvote this enough.

And by "something," I'm sure you mean full-tilt Andrew Blake slow-motion bondage porn.

The Christmen have been a mixed bag since the departure of Christ Claremont.

I was really hoping Paul Bearer would show up as The Undertaker's manager.

"What the fuck does anything have to do with Vietnam, man?"

Gypsy where are you?