
Can he fight a Female Hitler?

As long as the story stays true to James Bond's core values: a racist, sexist, colonialist, cartoonishly overwrought three-hour wristwatch commercial.

You either die an actor or live long enough to see yourself star in Dirty Grandpa.

You keep saying "Great Job, Internet" but I keep hearing, "Go fuck yourself, humankind."

I can't believe The Force turned out to be monsters in your blood all along.

New Star Trek!

Forget making this a drama and give the American people the reality show they deserve.

Katie Rife: Hero.

Steel Sequoias: Starring Burt Reynolds as Sally Field, Kenny Rogers as Dolly Parton, Warren Beatty as Shirley MacLaine, Tom Hanks as Daryl Hannah and Richard Gere as Julia Roberts. With Sigourney Weaver as Tom Skerritt.

No Men's Rights Movement creeps will protest this movie because not even they can scratch up two fucks for the Ocean's 11 franchise.


Surely someone has access to a copy of this book and can post it online.

Absolutely no idea. It's so strange. In her eyes, he's blameless for all that befalls him.

Related: My mother doesn't like it when "people are mean to James Bond." She'll turn it off the moment she deems someone has treated him poorly.

Pom Klementieff

Thanks for articulating almost everything that I am too lazy to read.

I don't know why but I just couldn't stop laughing at Cupid Me's tiny PBR and tiny cigarettes, like he was anchoring that bar stool, posting up for the night.

"They like Itchy, they like Scratchy, one kid seems to love the Speedo man. What more do they want?"

That explains why they cast Melted Wax Dummy Matt Damon and Melted Wax Dummy Reese Witherspoon. It's like they're almost real people, but not really.

Ritalin Cartman: "You know what, you guys? We should go to the concert anyways and see Phil Collins."