
A Talking Cat!?! From Outer Space!?!

Show Business University revoked NPH's doctorate. He's no longer Dr. Horrible. Now he's just horrible.

Even dumb little kid me knew that this robot cartoon needed robot conflict. It's the basis of robot drama, no matter how lighthearted.

Have we learned nothing from the nostalgiafests of those that came before us?

Well as long as Matt McGorry doesn't fucking care, I shouldn't either.

Because feminism can't be legit until privileged white men explain to us that it is.

A bar just for celibate people, why didn't anyone think of that before?

Tonight, Stephen needs to triumphantly open the show with Eye of The Tiger.

Just don't lose his accessories. If they get lost, the dog will eat them and she'll leave piles of Ray Bans and sculpting gel all over our new carpet.


Don't worry guys, it will still be the 4th worst Star Wars film on Monday.

Deckard should've taken that thing out when he had the chance. It watched C-beams glitter in the dark near The Tannhauser Gate.

Oh yes, "suave," like when an aging Roger Moore dressed up like a clown in Octopussy.

She was bewildered by loud, shitty improv.

Considering Sorkin's worship of white men, I picture the entire movie as a series of extended Fred Mertz monologues.

You would think Craig T. Nelson's Flesh Gordon and Scream Blacula Scream residuals would pay for his lavish post-Coach lifestyle because he was totally in both of those.

A pastor, who's an impostor…The Impastor! If you survived an accident where a railroad spike was driven through your forehead, you're laughing already.

98 dollars an hour? Wow, you could buy an Alfa Romeo with that kind of scratch!

"They all did it.

This year’s list of performers includes Justin Bieber, Demi Lovato,
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, Pharrell Williams, and Twenty One Pilots
with A$AP Rocky.