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Yay! He likes Torneko Taloon’s chapter the most, everybody! Wooooo! ^^ /cheer

That was a blast to read. 


That’s a great point about the escalation around mob potency and scale in RPGs. It’s also part of what I love about The Gold Box series and the Baldur’s Gate games. You start with kobolds and end with dragons and beholders. And in the best of the best from those franchises’ encounters, you really can FEEL the

Re: DWIV, woohoo. One of us! One of us! DWIV is one of my favorite NES titles for all the reasons you mention and more. It takes that early Ultima mode and just goes to town with it. Expanding in all possible directions. And because you’re primarily dealing with self contained chapters and areas, the balance never

Yeah, I concur with Jl H Kle P here, re:Final Fantasy I— IIRC, JRPGs of the 1980s were heavily influenced by Ultima and Wizardry foremost (which in turn were themselves derivative of D&D conventions, influenced by Tolkien and mythology, and so on). So the point is, you’re 100% right in that D&D was ripped near wholesal


Final Fantasy is hardly the first video game to be heavily influenced by D&D— the Wizardry series from 1981 on was a big one but there were easily thousands of Apple 2/C64/IBM games that used very D&D-like races, classes and mechanics. If anything FF1 is directly influenced by them, I don’t think D&D was nearly as

“The problem with the new Lion King is that the animals just aren’t expressive enough”

I never knew the phrase “This Holiday Season, You Will Believe” could sound so menacing, holy shit.

Does that photo of Priscilla Quintana make her look like Stephanie Corneliussen, or is it just me?


Or maybe bring Clea into the fold? As much as I love Rachel McAdams, I felt she didn’t have enough for her character. But IMO was much better than Portman’s Jane.


What’s your objection to ‘high-school’? The hyphen? It’s pretty standard to hyphenate a compound adjectival phrase for clarity.

I’ve been completing something I never did the first time around: tackling levels from Pistol Start and collecting observations on how that changes the game, along with general musings on level design. These are Postcards From Doom 2.

should be tituss burgess