
Backlogged: Mode 7 Overload Edition

Backlogged: Delayed By D&D Edition

Backlogged: Long Overdue Edition

Yeah, Supergirl is looking like a keeper at this point. Helps that it’s coming to an end.

Yeah, after hate-watching the past few seasons of The Flash, I finally bailed at the start of this one. So I definitely see/support your decision. Now I’m wondering whether to bother catching up with the current seasons of Black Lightning, Supergirl and Batwoman, or if I should just rid my watchlist of the entire Arrow

Backlogged: Another Blaze of Glory Edition

Yeah, I had a feeling that would be the case. Definitely leaving it ‘til last.

I remember the first one having a great soundtrack (*enter boss theme*), so that checks out.

I’ve just reached Atlantis, so I’ll keep an eye out for that.

Backlogged: Don’t Thank Me, Thank The Ship Rib! Edition

Makes sense. More than once I’ve tried to take cover behind a corner only to swear at the screen as an enemy seemingly shoots me through the wall. Maybe it’s just an issue with the perspective...

Yeah, I definitely had to reconfigure the controls into a combination of WASD for movement and mouse inputs for shooting and strafing (an attempt to replicate the twin stick controls I’m used to, I now realise). The default keyboard only or mouse only controls would have driven me up the wall.

Backlogged: Get Psyched! Edition

Backlogged: New Year, Old Games Edition

Obviously we can only speculate about the length of the new game, but if it’s in line with the original, then OP’s concerns are completely fair. The original is listed as 4-6 hours long on HLTB, and as someone who received it for Christmas one year as a kid and rolled credits before bedtime, I can confirm those

Thanks for the recommendation. It was interesting (and gratifying) to see that even with a precise knowledge of chest and enemy placements, there were still moments where they were at the mercy of RNG.

Thank you, I feel very validated right now. And I might have to give a speedrun a look.

Backlogged: Industrial Sabotage Edition 

Backlogged: Pizza Time! Edition

Backlogged: Whip It Good! Edition