
Backlogged: No Time for You Old Man-annan Edition!

Yeah, I remember you warning me about that bridge after I beat the first King’s Quest (thanks again for the heads up), so I’m planning to keep a walkthrough close at hand for my playthrough. Ain’t nobody got time for poor game design.

Backlogged: Glowing Moss, Spinners and Pitfalls, Oh My! Edition

Backlogged: Funklord Edition

Hmm, sounds a bit like how Actraiser’s sequel dropped the civilisation sim sections... I gave that a miss, so maybe I’ll do the same with PoF.

I’m coming in to Toejam & Earl pretty blind, so it’s good to see the love for it. But based on your comment I’m guessing Panic on Funkotron is less of a must-play?

Backlogged: Capcom Double Feature Edition 

Having since finished FFA, I can also say that the ending is another point in its favour, though its impact was somewhat lost on me since *spoilers for a 40-year-old fantasy novel* I literally finished reading The Elfstones of Shannara for the first time less than a week ago. Small world, huh?

Backlogged: Return of the Gemma Knight

Pokemon Snap for me. When I was a kid I could only expect to get a couple of games a year (one for Christmas, one for my birthday, maybe another throughout the year if I was good or lucky). So, I got Pokemon Snap for Christmas one year; I remember being incredibly excited when I unwrapped it in the morning. Jump

The rumours about this being a thing first popped up a little while ago, and the same source also claimed that a Rebels sequel was on the way, so we might be getting both.

I forgot to mention the wishes; a really clever mechanic, though one that I found myself avoiding as much as possible. Pretty sure the only one I used was the Rain wish (the classic ‘fill a hole with water to reach the thing at the bottom’ puzzle), but afterwards a nagging feeling made me think that there was a more

Backlogged: Brass Hyrax Edition

AoS S4 is an absolute masterclass in maintaining momentum and quality over the course of a 20+ episode season. The way the three major arcs act as tight, semi-contained stories while still building to a satisfying, season-encompassing resolution is outstanding. I don’t think any superhero show has pulled off the same

+1 to the AoS love. After a rocky start, it committed to being a comic book show in a way that few others in that crowded market have, and has maintained a consistent benchmark of quality when other long-running super-shows like Arrow and The Flash have repeatedly failed to do the same. Plus, after looking like a

Looking up his output at Infocom, I’ve already played Planetfall, Sorcerer, Hitchhiker’s Guide and A Mind Forever Voyaging, and Leather Goddesses of Phobos and Stationfall are both on my list, so it looks like I’ve got him covered haha.

Yeah, there’s some definite ‘right place, right time’ shenanigans going on with Deadline, though I don’t think I had to follow anyone before entering the house. (There seem to be multiple paths to the right answer though, so who knows.)

Yeah, Wishbringer was already on my list, but when I read that Infocom did a horror game, I knew I had to include it.

I’ve been playing them in my browser at myabandonware.com. Not ideal, and I know some people would have reservations about that kind of thing, but it gets the job done. (Just make sure to save regularly.)

Backlogged: Ruckus at the Robner Estate Edition