
I hope this movie understands that strange women lying in ponds and distributing swords is not the basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power comes from the mandate of the masses, not some farcical aquatic ceremony. You can’t just expect to claim supreme executive power just because some watery tart

Don’t worry about what The Rock thinks about outrage culture. What The Rock wants to know is, what do you think about outrage culture?

Well, it is the devil’s music.

OK. I thought we had moved on from all the political stuff and generally both acknowledged that, yes, The Last Jedi was not a good film, and that hardcore Star Wars fans are the worst. Laura Dern is fine in it but her conflict with Oscar Isaac is an idiot plot that feels forced and -after the reveal- borderline

Namor vs. Black Panther: Dawn of Illuminati

I’m completely in support of the AV Club list as it stands, but I don’t think that’s a reasonable perspective. Infinity War is a story without a closure that feels just, but it does tell a story - Thanos’ campaign - from beginning to end.

So you got your good your double-plus good and your heckin’ good albums, if your buddy likes it too you got yourself a SUPER there and if two of your buddies like it well yessiree bob you got yourself a JAMBOREE

You’re an absolute beast MisterNoone taking on a game like freaking Phatasy Star II in the year of our gourd 2018.  The quality of life improvements we’ve made since Sega Genesis JRPGs are going to be glaring when they’re all missing from a long ass game.

The only thing I had a problem with in First Avenger is that they should have held for an extra two seconds on Evans’ face after he delivered that last line. I found the cut to credits too abrupt, like the movie was wincing away from letting the sadness of the moment really land.

Oof, I’d forgotten about “I had a date”...

Woohoo! MisterNoone liked Floyd! ^^

Hey, I like Thor a lot -- certainly more than Tom it appears -- but still less than The First Avenger, which I still feel is the most underrated of Phase 1...

It says “first muppet dealing with homelessness.” Big bird might be homeless, but he’s not dealing with it at all. He’s just in denial.

Man, Phantasy Star is probably my favorite console exclusive RPG series, and Ultima arguably still ranks as my favorite PC exclusive RPG series. I don’t know if I’d enjoy them as much experiencing them both now, but I still have such a fondness for them both, especially Ultima 7. ACtually, mostly just Ultima 7. But

Nice to see some love for Infocom. A lot of treasures in there.. Planetfall of course, but I recall Trinity being interesting as well. I’ll also always remember various parts of Hitchhiker’s Guide and Bureaucracy.. both Douglas Adams gems, and I got a huge kick out of seeing a homage to the latter in a main quest in Wi

This is so crazy that you are going back and playing all of these really old classics, year by year. Hats off to you, I think your Backlog Quest is even more daunting than mine.

I can attest that the remaining chapters in the original Ninja Gaiden trilogy are just as lovably insane as the first one. I hope you have a great time with that world should you return to it in the near future.


You can escape the grind of DQ exploration with walkthroughs, MisterNoone, but there’s no escaping... THE MAN O’ WAR SWARM©!

It’s been a looong time since I’ve played a JRPG but I often find the job system like Final Fantasy Tactics to be kind of overwhelming- I’d rather have a defined job for each character with light customization options like Espers, Materia or purchasing attacks/abilities.