
Jacob’s cabin was originally built by Horace, and Jacob hung out there for a period of time before it was taken over by MiB.

Great to hear you’re having such a swell time with The Secret of Monkey Island thus far. That insult sword fighting mini-game really is a staple of the series’ best elements and part of what brought the title such acclaim back when it was first released. Something else replaces it for the sequel, but it’s equally

Good god why won’t this movie go away? Love it, hate it, who gives a shit? STOP. FUCKING. TALKING ABOUT IT.

You all, every Bothan

Now playing

Ayeeeeeee, I warned yah! I remember the last time I played through DQII, about 10+ years ago, it was on emulator and it took me over an hour to grind through that open area to the final castle with the game on FAST-FORWARD. And I STILL had to heal the entire party and/or revive someone every 4-5 battles at best. 90%

Backlog jam

George Clooney, blah blah blah. Great. But what’s THIS all about?:

I’m surprised that headlines have been downgraded from main cast to recurring guest star around here since then.

A walkthrough’s 100% the way to go to maintain one’s sanity with these games in the modern age. 30+ years ago these titles were specifically designed (the Dragon Quest series especially) around players communicating piecemeal with each other in every neighborhood, slowly sharing tidbits of what they’d uncovered pixel

It preserves the structural integrity of my fence, but I prefer convincing others to do it for me. I pretend like it is really fun, and they do it for free!

Bautista may be acting a little over-exuberant with these statements but I admire the man for sticking to his Gunn.

I hope scientists discover paper straws the leading cure for breast cancer.

Domino? Looking a hell of a lot like rogue in that preview image

The trailer was good, but I didn’t like the bit where she teamed up with the 2016 Ghostbusters and the new She Ra to hunt down and destroy childhood memories. What was up with that?

Hot Take:  it was secretly mediocre!

There is a third option, which is that they used the same fight coordinator, and the fights are just staged similarly.

This better have newspaper spider-man, the best character from the Spiderverse comic. 

We have replaced her with James Blunt. You’re welcome beautiful.

I don’t know if it’s necessarily over-saturation

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he was cancelled.