
Backlogged: Bananas In My Ears Edition

Hell, unless something’s changed recently you can add asexual characters to that tally and still have four fingers left.

Ah, good to know re: StarTropics; I’ve encountered that sort of thing a few times by now (the Infocom games and their ‘feelies’ being recurring offenders).

Backlogged: Surprise Attack Helicopter Edition

Yeah, I was very relieved to be able to help poor Rusty, given that his condition was my fault in the first place (it hadn’t even occurred to me that it was optional, and now I’m very glad I didn’t miss the opportunity). And I agree it’s a shame there were never sequels; I read up on their plans for completing a

As someone who just started playing the original Crypt of the Necrodancer on Switch this week, I can confirm that the learning curves are brutal, but manageable. Zone 1 took me many attempts to get through, but by the time I cleared it I felt like I’d got the hang of things. Cue Zone 2, with its almost entirely

Backlogged: Threadbare Edition

Moon Knight would require him to portray multiple personalities. Not exactly Reeves’ forte.

Well, at least PSIII has interesting flaws and behind-the-scenes drama to talk/learn about. And based on what I’ve heard, I’m very much looking forward to Dragon Warrior IV. Hopefully it won’t take me too long to get there...

Backlogged: First Generation of Doom Edition

They both sound really interesting (thanks again for the recommendations). I intend to get to Quest for Glory eventually, but as a pre-1990 release it falls into the nebulous category of ‘games I’ll go back to when I want a break from my main quest forward’. Loom just managed to sneak in before I move on to my

Backlogged: Enchanted Edition

Thanks for the recommendations, Kappa; my list curses your name!

Thanks a bunch for these, Shini (my list is slightly less grateful, having just passed the 100 franchise mark haha). I’ve actually already played Secret of Monkey Island (managed to get to it a while back before my list was inundated with ‘80s titles which dragged me back a few years) but it’s been one of my favourite

Based on your descriptions I think I might just wait for MGS haha, but as always I appreciate your suggestions.

Hmm, not that I need any more games on my retro list, but now I’m curious what you would recommend as far as must-play adventure games from the late ‘80s/’90s. I already have the Monkey Island franchise on my list, but it seems that’s far from the only iconic series from that era.

Backlogged: Long Time No See Edition 

*bongos start playing*

I love how there was an audible murmur of delight in my showing of Ant-Man and the Wasp the moment that musical cue started, because we knew what was coming next.

My opinion of Thor has sunk a little bit in recent years (watching it back to back with The Avengers as part of an ongoing Endgame-preparation marathon didn’t help), but I still love the moment when Thor fails to lift Mjolnir. Even after his banishment he remains this swaggering mountain of bravado who assumes

Basically. Last I checked, Universal has first right of refusal for distribution of any Hulk film. So Disney can make a Hulk film, but they have to offer it to Universal for distribution. And since they don’t want to give away a slice of the pie, that means they aren’t going to be making any Hulk films while that