
You’re right, she does have some justification for siding against the Germans. I guess it’s just that the weight of her decision to wade into the war is so great (because of her godlike-power) that her involvement on any side seems like overkill.

I’m glad the article and the comments have both got stuck in to the whole ‘WWI-era Germans weren’t Nazis’ thing. For me it seriously undermined the No Man’s Land scene, because while it’s obviously epic and iconic, once you start thinking about it you realise that Diana is essentially a god faced with a war that she

Backlogged: Not Dead Yet Edition

The fact that people think ‘the Force is with everybody’ is a controversial idea is one of the things that really annoys me about the praise for TLJ. During the prequel era there were 10,000 Jedi, from a kaleidoscope of different alien races, and the vast, vast majority of them were celibate. They were all nobodies

I’d love to see a more comics-accurate Jimmy Woo as well, but I actually feel like Ant-Man and the Wasp set up a pre-origin story Woo fairly well. The Agents of Atlas continuity is fairly complicated, but I feel like you could easily include the 50s era aspect by making it so that present-day Jimmy’s

Winter Soldier is her best movie and that isn’t R, so this shouldn’t be a problem.

Well, having seen the second film as well the flaming sword is shown to be much more of a tool (for dragon-training, among other things) than a melee weapon. There’s a scene where he’s confronted by a large group of dragons and he distracts/mesmerises them with the flaming blade, then impresses them by creating a

You’re right, the basic premise of the chase sequence was sound, it just didn’t leave anywhere for plot holes and character issues to hide, and there were too many of those to dismiss out of hand.

I suppose I’m somewhat spoiled by the animated shows, which aren’t exactly ‘deep’, but they do allow more time for different ideas to be explored.

I don’t particularly disagree, but that’s not really a good reason for the new films to be badly written as well (especially since the prequels make up half the body of evidence haha).

If I’m being honest, I found TFA more frustrating than TLJ. At least TLJ tried to introduce new ideas/interrogate old ones, even if they didn’t always work as well as planned. I would love a film that questions the Jedi/Sith dichotomy, for instance, which TLJ briefly flirts with before returning everything to the

I know, right? What a pipe dream.

The problem for me is that the toxic side of the community has been so vocal that any genuine discussion of the film’s merits (or lack thereof depending on how you feel about it) is inevitably derailed into partisan name-calling. My views are pretty cemented by now (I think TFA and TLJ are both superficially

Considering the quote is clearly only the first line (the comma suggest more to come), I would think that they plan on releasing the other lines accompanied by more images, possibly zooming in a little on this map each time until they focus on a specific area which forms the focus/starting point of the story they plan

I haven’t commented on The Flash in yonks, but I came here expecting a harsh grade and was completely flummoxed by the B+. This was an incredibly stupid episode, even by this show’s standards. It seriously took Nora 52 failed iterations before she told any of her teammates (most of whom are also superheroes, and one

Backlogged: The Old Adventures of MisterNoone

I’d argue that Tony’s trauma as depicted in this film is an important building block for his character going forward; it’s just largely ignored by Age of Ultron. But you can see in Civil War that he’s a man beginning to buckle under the weight of his responsibility to protect the world, and his anxiety/PTSD from this

Don’t get me wrong, I can see the appeal of having to chart out your own dungeon maps for a game like PSII (I really enjoyed doing it for the sliding block puzzle in... Zork II, if memory serves), but the game is long enough as it is (and my gargantuan list lurks in the back of my mind as I play) without that kind of

Backlogged: The Old Adventures of MisterNoone

Sorry to also be that guy, but you don’t need the online service to play Fortnite on the Switch either. (Not sure if that applies to all free-to-play games, though.)