
Oh good, glad to hear it isn’t another Rhone situation. And yeah, I was tipped off that Nei left the party at some point, but I wasn’t expecting something so dramatic. Farewell, cat-lady-person.

Yeah, I remember one section with a bunch of lasers and spikes that’s supposed to be boosted through with a certain power-up, but it’s first couple of obstacles can be navigated (with some great difficulty) by dashing and nail-bouncing. Maybe it’s possible to go the whole way without the power-up, but it got too

Backlogged: Escape From Hallownest Edition

Maybe. But I guess I see Namor as someone who manages to remain charismatic despite kind of being a massive arsehole. And I feel like Johnson could carry off Namor’s supreme self-confidence very well (plus, if DC are trying to rebrand Aquaman with man-mountain Momoa, it makes sense to me that Marvel would counter with

I mean, if Marvel wanted to kick Aquaman’s arse they could just cast Dwayne Johnson as Namor and have him face off against T’Challa in a Black Panther sequel.

Haha, you’re doing wonders for my outlook here, Kyle. Between you and Shinigami I am prepared for a righteous slog. At least I’ll appreciate the QoL improvements as they gradually trickle in; better that than starting with more recent entries and working backwards.

I had to switch Floyd off at a certain point so I could search him for the lower elevator access card, and his betrayed reaction genuinely made me feel guilty. Not bad for some white text on a black background.

Hard disagree about the ending being pure sequel set-up. The disorienting way the camera spins around Cap as he emerges into present-day New York, and the look on his face as he realises what he’s lost (‘I had a date’) are devastating and essential to his character. People talk about Infinity War being novel as a

Backlogged: The Old Adventures of MisterNoone

Thanks for the recommendations. I’ve already covered Hitchhiker’s Guide (plus the Zork trilogy and A Mind Forever Voyaging), but Trinity looks like a winner and Bureaucracy sounds fun. And since I’m treating the Infocom games as a separate section (hence why I’m going back to 1983 for Planetfall), I don’t even have to

Haha, thanks. This isn’t even my actual backlog (which is both sizeable and expanding), I just wanted to expand my gaming horizons beyond my traditional comfort zone (i.e. Nintendo consoles), and since I’m apparently an all-or-nothing type when it comes to pop culture consumption my list immediately and

That’s good to hear. I’ve got Ninja Gaiden II listed as 1990, so I’ll be getting to that shortly after PSII, and NGIII was 1991, so the whole trilogy shouldn’t take too long to wrap up. Then it’s ‘see you next’ for the franchise until the 2000s reboot, so it’ll be ages before I see it again, haha.

Backlogged: The Old Adventures of MisterNoone

They could make a sequel set in 2015, and the big crisis they have to go back in time to solve is why there aren’t any flying cars, etc. like there were supposed to be. Maybe something went awry in the timeline and technological development was stunted.

(I don’t actually want a new BttF film, but I would like to see

And one late night push later, Zoma is toast. A satisfying finale, and I especially liked all the little easter eggs scattered throughout Alefgard hinting at future events, i.e. the story of the original Dragon Warrior (Hauskness not being destroyed yet, the old man in Cantlin who’s designing the Golem, the Hero being

Backlogged: Light at the End of the Tunnel Edition

It’s almost certainly not going to happen, but I could totally see Coulson and Daisy showing up in Avengers 4. We know Coulson is making an appearance in Captain Marvel, and they could easily use that film’s mid-credits sequence to reveal that he’s still alive (for the moment) in the present day. Show the Snappening

Backlogged: Bite-Sized Edition

The Mandalorian is set seven years after ROTJ, actually. That’s a decent time jump.

Yeah, FFVI is definitely an example where my completionism caused problems; by the end of the game almost all of my characters knew almost all of the spells, and Ultima was a fixture of the final string of boss fights. My preference is definitely closer to FFIV’s more defined roles.