
After a serious grindfest (Shinigami really wasn’t kidding about the enemies in Rhone; seriously, who gives an instant death spell to a random encounter?) I finally finished off Dragon Warrior II earlier this week, which has officially converted me into a fan of the series. For variety’s sake I won’t be going straight

Thanks for the reply. I’m continually delighted that people actually read and respond to my ramblings, and continually horrified by all the lovely recommendations that pop up as a result. Despite my best efforts, my list continues to grow. (Keep ‘em coming, folks. I can take it.)

I didn’t post last week due to some technical difficulties that temporarily postponed my Dragon Warrior II playthrough, but I’m still plugging away at my long list of previously unplayed franchises. DWII remains my main focus for the moment; I’m getting towards the endgame now, with three seals in hand and most of the

It’s hard to tell exactly what the nature of the relationship is between Sony and Marvel, and how much Sony can reasonably expect, say, Tom Holland’s Spider-Man to show up in their off-brand Marvel movies.

Haha, yeah. I’d like to think I have a natural appreciation for classic video games, bolstered by my completionist drive, but I suspect there will be more than a few games joining Diablo in the ‘well, at least I tried’ pile.

(Yikes, this is much more than I intended to write. Sorry, folks.)

Just swinging by to remind everyone that they were NOT dead all along and that only the flash-sideways scenes from season 6 depicted the afterlife. Tell your friends.

OG Zelda kicks Metroid’s ass.

In another pair of episodes packed with gags, the PayPal joke absolutely floored me. (See also: Josh’s real estate agent lying to him about being out of cannon fire range.)

I finished Halo 2 this week, and was surprised at how much I enjoyed the story. The first game (which I played years and years ago) has a couple of neat twists, but overall I remember it being pretty straightforward. So the way Halo 2 delves into the various factions of the Covenant and the Arbiter’s arc really sucked

This is what I was hoping for when I first saw they were going with a trio of companions. Why not one from the present, one from the past and one from the future? Seemed like a no-brainer to me, but whatever.

Hey everyone, Manimal’s back!

Oh, my version would definitely have been overplaying A4's hand (and overshadowing Ant-Man and the Wasp to boot). I just like to dream.

I’d say the Captain Marvel teaser was just as vital, for different reasons. When Infinity War’s credits first started rolling, I sat there thinking about how heavy it all was, and I felt like I was missing something. Then the mid-credits scene happened and it all clicked; that last-roll-of-the-dice play by Fury was

Yeah, I definitely predicted this (still great though). For a moment (back before the film even premiered) I was actually thinking they’d go super dark and dust Cassie. Then Strange would show up via time travel and tell a grieving Lang that there was still a chance to save Cassie, but he needed Scott’s help. And

After over 200 hours, I finally ticked Xenoblade Chronicles 2 off my backlog about a week ago. Technically I still have to beat around a dozen of the late-game Unique Monsters (ranging from level 95-130) but frankly I’m pretty sick of the game at this point and I’ve done everything else (all rare blade affinity charts

He doesn’t seem to be up to walking too much these days. I wonder if they’ll lean into that and give him a hover chair or something.

Also, by the time the events of the movie take place the New Republic has been in power for nearly 30 years. Canto Bight is not the result of living under an authoritarian regime, it’s the result of democracy turning a blind eye to the actions of the rich and powerful. Similar to what we see of Tattooine in the

Kevin Bacon.

TLJ really isn’t that challenging or subversive. It raises half a dozen ideas that could be challenging or subversive, but it ends up walking away from most of them, and flubbing the rest.