
So was the second season finale at all a satisfying conclusion, or should I hold off and see if the TV movie happens before deciding to commit?

How so? If you’re going to disagree, don’t be half-assed about it.

This is the best take. See: The Last Jedi on heroic sacrifice.

To be fair, Star Wars films probably have plenty of screen time featuring no characters at all.

Nuh uh. Some of them are droids.

Depends how you classify ‘black’ I suppose, but all of the clones are Maori, and Jango and Boba Fett definitely talk to each other.

So as someone who’s only seen the first season, I should just cut my losses and bail?

The Lando miniseries Marvel Comics did a couple years back involved a suprisingly affecting subplot about Lobot; I wouldn’t say no to more of the two of them.

Pretty sure that’s what the new animated show, Resistance, is about.

Prediction: Talbot is erased by The Snap, allowing the others to save Coulson with their one dose of centipede juice. There is a time skip of 1-5 years between Infinity War and Avengers 4; AoS is renewed and the 6th season takes place during this period, with SHIELD having to deal with the fallout from The Snap.

She goes by Spider-Woman in-universe. Spider-Gwen is just the title of the book (to distinguish it from the other, original Spider-Woman).

‘Odds? Where we’re going, we don’t need odds.’

We get Atlanta via SBS On Demand here Down Under, and this is totally something I noticed and enjoyed. I’m ahead of the curve!

Actually, I’d say the Thanos we see in the film is very much in favour of leaving things completely up to chance. I can’t remember it exactly, but I’m pretty sure he even has a line about liking the ‘fairness’ of a completely random purge. It’s also worth noting that he very rarely kills people when he doesn’t need to

That’s a good point, actually; for every heads you flipped the chance of flipping tails would marginally increase and vice versa. But when we’re talking nine people out of a total of over 7 billion, the odds would barely change to compensate. Just means nine other people have to die to maintain the balance.

You know, a few weeks ago I was pondering possible solutions to the time loop, and thought to myself that two obvious ‘acceptable’ ways out are supernatural intervention and/or another time traveller, the convergence of which very briefly made me consider, and then laugh off, the possibility of a Doctor Strange cameo.

Vastly different production schedules seems like one of the biggest issues with crossovers between the shows and the movies, but if AoS doesn’t get renewed, they won’t even have to worry about the logistics of lining up the show’s timeline/continuity with a potential cameo in Avengers 4.

Of course. But then, in order to avoid revealing that the situation is resolved before it ever actually happens, you would have to end the current season of AoS before the snap, with no indication of whether it affects the characters or not. Not a very satisfying ending, considering that they’ve now referenced the

I think the point is that Coulson isn’t a necessary aspect of a Captain Marvel origin story, which means Marvel Studios chose to bring the character back into the films on the eve of Avengers 4. That could easily be a coincidence, or it could be a clever bit of synergy.

Well, the obvious problem in that case is that if AoS decided to dust half its cast in the season finale and then got renewed, then bringing those characters back immediately when the show returns in September would spoil Avengers 4. Of course, the people behind the scenes likely know enough about the outcome to avoid