
The odds aren’t difficult to figure out. The odds of any given character surviving are 50%. The odds of any two given characters surviving are 25%; 12.5% for three; 6.25% for four. The (roughly) 0.19% value assumes the survival of nine given characters; presumably Coulson, Daisy, May, Fitz, Simmons, Mack, Elena, Deke

I’ve said this before, but at this point I feel like the MCU has missed the boat for a plain ol’ Black Widow movie. A Black Widow-led Secret Avengers movie, on the other hand, would be ace.

The New York Sanctum itself is important, though. We saw what happened when two of the three Sanctums went down in Doctor Strange; not something you want to be dealing with while Thanos is in town.

He obviously told them about the part of the plan that involved getting the gauntlet away from Thanos (that was far too coordinated to happen by chance), he just didn’t tell them that Star-Lord would fuck it up and the way things would unfold from there. From that point on, the main thing that needed to happen for the

It’s an entirely different scenario. Dr Strange couldn’t tell the others the full extent of the plan; do you really think they would have been willing to go along with it, knowing that it involved a 100% chance of most of them dying (and half of the population of the universe along with them). Not to mention that

Yes, but I don’t recall him actually using it. It’s possible he did and I missed it, but he essentially just beat the Hulk in a fistfight, which is pretty, you know, incredible.

I don’t see why getting the gauntlet away from him would have immediately solved all their problems. None of them would have been able to use it, and Thanos was able to curbstomp the Hulk without using any of the Stones.

Yep. Strange looked through over 14 million possible futures and there was only one possible path to victory: the one we saw unfold in the film. Strange knew Quill would fuck up the plan; in fact he was counting on it.

Can’t wait for her unique vision to be torn to shreds in post.

That big hairy guy looks like a fun character. I sure hope he survives that cliffhanger.

I feel like I should do these more often so here goes. This week I got back into Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate on a whim after a lengthy absence, and suffice to say it took me a while to remember how to play properly (doesn’t help that I’m using an Insect Glaive; trying to remember which combination of buttons launches

In what ways did TLJ challenge what is and isn’t possible? The notion that anyone can be a Jedi isn’t a new one; roughly 99.98% of the Jedi in the prequel era were neither Skywalkers nor Kenobis.

So wait, are we aiming for minimum visitor casualties, or maximum visitor casualties?

Last episode, Deathlok arrived in a Quinjet with a whole bunch of S.H.I.E.L.D. red shirts. Coulson had Deke call them in as the first step to rebuilding S.H.I.E.L.D. post-space mission.

That was planning for the surprise proposal.

Yeah, Leia and Holdo’s response to his actions (even after the mutiny, if I’m remembering correctly) is the equivalent of ruffling a young scamp’s hair. It’s pretty bizarre if you actually think about it, and emblematic of a lot of the film’s issues; it introduces a lot of big, interesting ideas, only to execute them

You’re spot on about why a conflict between Leia and Poe wouldn’t work, and why Holdo was necessary. The problem is, the movie kind of goes that way anyway; Poe’s arc starts when he disobeys a direct order from Leia to call off the bombing run. *That* was the moment I knew he was in the wrong (and that’s before he

I was under the impression Disney was so impressed with New Warriors they wanted to find a new, more visible home for it.

Yeah, why just leave us hanging like that?

I can’t be alone in thinking this looks really fucking impressive.