
I’m a big fan of Filoni’s so I kind of agree, but I’d also just like to see Lucasfilm’s animation division get a massive boost in funding, and for him to be overseeing multiple animated shows at a time. I can’t wait for the inevitable sequel trilogy-era cartoon which sets about fixing the mistakes made in the recent

As much as the recent main saga films have been grinding my gears lately, I’m excited about this. While it’s clear (to me) that Kennedy and co. have no idea what they’re doing when it comes to the overarching story, the Star Wars universe is a huge sandbox with a ton of potential for talented creators to tell

How did it happen? (If that’s not a rude question.)

I’d rather back bringing back the Whiplash backlash!

Guess you haven’t finished too many of them.

I like this scene. I dislike the movie (like, a whole bunch). It’s not complicated.

The whole chase sequence feels incredibly contrived, and it takes up *so much* of the movie’s run time.

There’s a few more hoops to jump through, but I think Reed Richards would be the ideal replacement for Stark.

Based on the footage from the first trailer, I’m pretty sure they didn’t just spontaneously get their powers, although I don’t know that they’re doing the comics origin.

Just to forestall all the usual comments about RT’s ratings system being misleading and inferior to Metacritic’s, I’d like to point out that Rotten Tomatoes also lists Paddington 2's average score (8.6/10), which is more or less the same as the Metacritic average score (8.8/10).


I’m kinda gonna miss this, if only because it’s the only current high fantasy show I’m aware of besides Game of Thrones. Not sure where the author is getting the idea that elf-and-swords shows are saturating the airwaves. Can anybody else name another one?

Alas, the DCEU is waiting in the wings to rain on your parade.

As someone who follows this shit fairly closely, it never even occurred to me that Avengers 4 would deal with anything other than Thanos. When the name change originally happened the Russos or Feige or whomever simply said that that the Infinity War Parts 1 and 2 subtitles were misrepresentative because both films

One of my absolute favourites of all time. Genuinely challenging (one of my few complaints about Super Mario Odyssey is the lack of challenge) without seeming unfair, and reaching 200% completion was possibly my most satisfying video game achievement ever.

Which is what I said I’m hoping for in my last paragraph.

Do you have a source on that Spider-Woman tidbit or is it just speculation? Because Spider-Woman being a Spider-Man character is fairly debatable (the name is virtually all they have in common). Also, if Sony wanted to make Spider-Man-adjacent superhero films and they had the rights to her character, surely

Yeah, there are a lot of easy ways to fold characters like Captain Marvel into other films, I’m just saying it would be a bad look to do that instead of giving her a standalone sequel, what with her being the first female MCU hero to get her own movie and all. And they could easily include characters like Spider-Woman

A good point, and while I suspect you’re right to a degree, I’d also be very surprised if none of the direct sequels I listed happen. In particular, I can’t imagine Black Panther and Captain Marvel being folded into other characters’ films would go down too well (assuming their first films perform well at the box

So, potentially controversial opinion, but bear with me: this isn’t a good idea.