
Having finished the season, I’d say it was absolutely the right decision to delay the running away - just not for this long. I feel like the show would have been greatly improved if they’d reached this point after six episodes, and either end the season there, or have it be the mid-season break. Streaming services

I figure Enoch is heading to the surface to assist May, as per Fitz’s unspecified final request to him.

To be fair, the power over rocks comes before the name in the comics.

Finished Twin Peaks, Person of Interest, Orphan Black, Luther, Veep and Terriers.

I wouldn’t really call that a jab at the prequel era Jedi Order, considering that was kind of the whole point of the Jedi Order in the prequels. They had become a massive bureaucracy mired in politics that was completely out of touch with the common people of the galaxy, and then they got dragged into a messy war

Deadpool made $783 million off of a $58 million budget. Why would Disney cancel any future installments? Last time I checked, they were quite fond of money.

Also worth noting that while Logan does end with the death of Wolverine, Hugh Jackman had been playing the character for 17 years. It’s not like Fox didn’t get their money’s worth, and it’s entirely reasonable for Disney to do the same.

Just because they didn’t foresee every single detail of the megafranchise that the MCU is today doesn’t mean they didn’t have a plan going in, one that has simply adapted to each new development. I mean, they couldn’t have predicted that they’d get the rights to Spider-Man back, but folding him into their overarching

Good call on the Stepford Cuckoos. They just need to get in contact with the folks behind Orphan Black for help with the quintuplet effects.

Not to mention that in a team of assholes, goofballs and blowhards, her being shy, awkward and kind makes her stand out all the more.

I’m not too bothered by the delayed start, to be honest. A lot of people seem to be saying that the kids are stupid for not immediately GTFOing once they find out their parents are murderers, but as presented in the show, the situation is far less cut and dry.

Yeah. I believe she was also in the running for Wasp, so I daresay Marvel is keen to get her involved.

I’m holding out hope for Spider-Woman (played by Emily Blunt).

Well, obviously I don’t agree that it was pretty decent (and to be honest I find that opinion kind of baffling), but the bulk of my anger is directed less at the show and more at the stupid, petty decisions made by Perlmutter behind the scenes (both regarding this show and... everything else).

Well, obviously I don’t agree that it was pretty decent (and to be honest I find that opinion kind of baffling), but the bulk of my anger is directed less at the show and more at the stupid, petty decisions made by Perlmutter behind the scenes (both regarding this show and... everything else).

Thanks for these reviews, they’ve spared me the misery of having to watch beyond episode 3. That was as far as I could make it before rage-quitting. What a clusterfuck; Ike Perlmutter has spent years pushing the Inhumans in the comics, only to completely ruin any chance of them catching on in any other medium by

If fear of losing conservative international markets is the major reason these scenes are cut, they should really just start making conservative international cuts. It can’t take that much effort to include/cut ten seconds of controversial footage.

Trying to sneak vehicles inside buildings in the original Halo. There were quite a few corridors which, as long as you had a little skill and a lot of patience, were just wide enough to squeeze into with a Banshee.

I know, right? I read the headline and a second later, from across the room, I distinctly heard my wallet saying:

My first thought as well. Wish machine, here we come!