
Looks more like purple vs gold, but yeah.

I don’t mean to sound like a jerk, but I’m not sure why people keep suggesting this. The whole point of that joke is that ‘Budapest’ was tame compared to the events of the Avengers. Not to mention that she’s been in five movies at this point, so doing some kind of origin story would be a waste of a film. I’d rather

Obligatory reminder that Ike Perlmutter was in charge until late 2015, by which point the Phase 3 slate had already been determined. If Feige’s sincere in his statements (and why the fuck wouldn’t he be, after the success of Wonder Woman), he can’t do all that much about it until Phase 4 begins.

‘Michael’s not wrong. It is really stupid that humans have their eating and breathing tubes in the same place.’

I was actually kind of excited by the mutant horror idea, but the fact that I wouldn’t have known this was an X-Men/mutants property if not for the use of the m-word doesn’t bode well. I’m glad they’re branching out, but this made it seem like a generic horror film, and I’m now less  interested in seeing it. Still, it

I mean, Iron Man 2 explicitly shows Coulson leaving Stark’s house to go check out Mjolnir in the desert. All you need to add is that Incredible Hulk was happening somewhere else at the same time (there’s even a scene at the end of IM2 where Tony is watching Hulk footage).

Ah, I see. Good point. I still think they’re both worthwhile sites if you bother to use them properly, though.

Scrolling through the blurbs on both sites is pretty much an identical experience (granted I’m not looking at the mobile sites, which may differ).

But Rotten Tomatoes also provides all of that information. The problem is that people don’t bother looking at it.

Marvel is way ahead of you.

Spot on. It’s like you’re reading my mind.

I’m the most hardcore of Marvel whores and even I’m questioning why I’m watching this. Worse still, I’m one of the few weirdos who happens to like the Inhumans, so I keep getting frustrated at how poorly they’re being used (and distracted by thoughts of how it could be done better).


Bitenuker and Hot Richard also made the shortlist.

Yeah, most of the problems with this pilot can be attributed to the running time. This is a fairly ambitious concept to establish in 22 minutes, so they made the choice to focus on the leads and it more or less works. With exposition duties out of the way, future episodes should give the show the chance to breathe

With exposition duties out of the way, this was definitely an improvement on the pilot, but still not great. Space zoos are neat, though, and I really liked the array of alien creatures we got to see (even onboard the Orville - little touches like the alien bartender are cool).

Am I the only one who thinks this looks way better than Perlman’s version (and I say that as a fan of the del Toro films)?

Oh, for fuck’s sake.

This is good. Kim’s cheekbones and Daimio’s massive facial scar are a match made in heaven hell.

I liked it enough to keep watching. It was a bit generic, and full of exposition dumps, but that’s pilots for you. Hopefully it can sort itself out over the coming episodes.