
Rolands? Where we're going, we don't need Rolands.

Apparently the Transformers franchise's writers room is also collapsing under the weight of a dozen crappy spinoff ideas.

I swear the Dark Tower's runtime gets shorter every time someone mentions it. Last article I read suggested it was 95 minutes, which is already bizarrely short, and now it's at 88. At this rate it'll struggle to even make it to cinemas in one piece.

They could totally do that in a Spider-Verse film. Have Maguire playing an older, married-with-kid(s) Spider-Man, and then Emma Stone as Spider-Gwen from a universe where Peter Parker (Garfield) died.

Well, that explains it then. The ships can teleport because the wood they're built with comes from teleporting trees.

I misread that as barista, which made everything better.

I remember once I was playing a Rain Maker match, and I had the Rain Maker, and a dude next to me scored a Kraken, and without any kind of communication we both immediately beasted it towards the goal, him leading the way and me following along in his ink trail. Probably one of the most badass victories I've had

Unfortunately, it's rock bottoms all the way down.

You know, that might be the first time I've seen what Groening actually looks like. For some reason I always pictured him as an old bald man with an eye-patch and a revolver.

Yeah, like when Gamora tells Mantis that she isn't ugly, and Drax gives her a look of complete disbelief and gestures at Mantis as though her hideousness is undeniable.

If one of the moving parts in his plan fails, then he improvises. It happens at the start, when the former Hydra operative refuses to tell him what he wants to know. Maybe he would have found other ways to make his plan work if other things had gone wrong along the way. We don't know, because those things didn't go

That really is a wonderful moment. I also really love at the end when Drax tells Mantis she's beautiful… on the inside. It's hilarious for obvious reasons, but it's also really heartwarming in light of the conversation they had earlier, about how it's good to be ugly because you know when someone says they love you

There's actually a semi-official explanation, which is basically:

Okay, so:

By that logic virtually all heroes are 'dumb'. They're all willing to leap into dangerous situations in order to help people, and any reasonably clever/resourceful villain could therefore manipulate them by manufacturing those kinds of dangerous situations.

'Everything worked perfectly because the heroes were dumb.'

Oh, there are certainly logical answers to those questions. I was just surprised by the 90s setting, and curious about how they intend to dance around the existing continuity.

The Fenris Wolf, yeah, Marvel's take on Fenrir.

Possible inspiration from Aaron's run?

Zemo and Mordo were both steps in the right direction too (and like Vulture, both still alive!). Also, Ego was pretty well done.