
Well, holy fuck.

Some interesting hurdles to leap in order to make this work (why has no one ever heard of her if she was active in the 90s? how has she not visibly aged in the past 25 years?), but I'd say Skrulls and young(er) Nick Fury are worth it. Hopefully we'll get some cameos from other SHIELD characters, too. Agents Coulson,

Apologies, Mr Jensen.

Wasn't the original subtitle 'Maelstrom'? That's way cooler!

And I'd love for him to tackle another X-Men property in film. But Fox are 'three strikes, you're out' on FF movies. The rights would be better off back at Marvel.

Conflicted about this. Hawley is great, but Fox needs to fuck off with their FF adaptations.

Also, he was water soluble. Not ideal for an island-dwelling reptile.

It's been ages since I've played it, but I adored Sunshine. Funnily enough I suspect it's the fixed location across the entire game that really won me over, because I loved the atmosphere of Isle Delfino; it was somewhere you just wanted to hang out.

I wouldn't mind seeing them nod at the comics and set him up as Grizzly.

I suspect Hannah John-Kamen has been cast as the female Beetle. Goggins could be someone like Boomerang, though, to keep the Superior Foes vibe going.

Which would make it, like, the 4th best one, out of nine.

That was actually my original hope, too, that previous villains would be used in place of particular members of the Black Order; Red Skull for Corvus Glaive, Abomination for Black Dwarf, Loki for Ebony Maw and so on. It would enable a greater depth of connection between the heroes and villains. But considering how

Seeing as they're calling them the Children of Thanos, it'll be interesting to see what connection, if any, they have with Gamora and Nebula.

Simon Williams, actually.

Her evil twin Brabara, as played by Kristen Wiig.

Possibly the most delightful thing I've seen all year.

Booster Gold was also the focus of a recent Justice League Action episode ('Time Out'), and it was a pretty good one too. I don't think JLA will ever measure up to the DCAU shows, for a number of reasons, but it can pack a surprising amount into 11 minutes.

Right there with you. Agents of Atlas would be my top pick for getting a movie announcement in Phase 4; not least because it would mean a new ongoing.

If the post-credits scene features Gorilla-Man as voiced by Patrick Warburton, I promise I'll see it 50 times.