
The Blood Moon shrine worked out great for me. I had it trigger pretty much as I was leaving the area after first discovering the shrine. Saw the big red moon out of the corner of my eye, jumped on my horse, bolted back and got naked with about 15 seconds to spare. Pretty much the ideal scenario.

I didn't even see Rise, and I thought Dawn was fantastic.

Yep. For a second I was very excited, and now I'm just very disappointed.

I was convinced to check this show out by the comments in last year's AV Club Best TV of 2016 article, and finally finished tonight. So thanks to all the people who complained about its exclusion from that list; without you guys I might have missed a fantastic show. As with any beloved show, coming to the end feels

I'm hoping that the wig in the photo is simply a placeholder for a CGI effect that obviously can't be replicated in real life, and that explains why the wig is so shit.

I've seen FWWM and all of the original Twin Peaks (finally decided to check it out thanks to the AV Club's reviews of The Return), but that's it. Guess I'll add the others to my list.

I'm beginning to think maybe I should have watched some other Lynch films before diving into The Return. Because I thought I was doing alright, but this… caught me off guard.

I'm trying not to be rude, but your responses are completely illogical. You can't meaningfully claim that nothing bad happens when the good guys use the helicarriers, because the good guys DON'T USE THE HELICARRIERS.

Well, the good guys don't get a chance to use the technology, so claiming that bad things only happen when Nazis use it is pretty misleading.

'When Fury uses it, it's fine.'

It's bizarre how so many people seem to miss this point. The Insight helicarriers were Nick Fury's pet project, and he's one of the good guys. And it's him with whom Cap has his initial 'this isn't freedom; this is fear' dialogue.

Howard the Duck.

Bringing back Coulson was Whedon's idea.

The reason's name is Ike Perlmutter, who was booted in between the releases of Ant-Man and Civil War. It's no coincidence that Black Widow finally showed up in the merchandise line for the latter film.

I quite like the look of the Yoshi game, but I'm with you on Kirby. At this point I feel like if I've played one typical Kirby game I've played them all. More inventive stuff like Rainbow Curse would be nice.

On the other hand, Ritchie' King Arthur has a 75% from the audience, which suggests that your situation (enjoying it despite the reviews) isn't uncommon. I'd say it's always a good idea to glance at the audience score as well.

I'm sure you could just give 'players' goggles with an IR laser or something.

To be fair, Padme was only 14 (whether Portman looked it or not).

I actually watched this happen (Dad was looking for the cricket, found a spelling bee, and inexplicably decided to watch that instead), and it really was kind of worrying. Ananya remained entirely expressionless after they announced her as the winner; her first and only reaction before her family arrived to swarm her

Oh come on, tetralogy was right there!