
Scott Buck.

Is she wearing it in the original scene?

I thought it was this too. During the original, there's a moment where Dev watches Francesca while she sleeps; here it's reversed. The snow outside the window would seem to be a visual indicator of that, but I didn't check if they were wearing the same clothes, which could debunk the theory pretty quickly.

I've actually had this same idea; in my version, it's Parasite that drains Superman's strength. He's supposed to kill you (on Luthor's orders), but decides to leave his biggest power source alive for selfish reasons, and you have to fight your way back from nothing.

Rey and Poe only shared one scene, and it was one of the 'everyone gather around the hologram' scenes, so they also shared it with like, 50 other people.

Urge to punch zombie prankster… rising.

Not going to lie, there were moments where I would not have begrudged Clive for straight up punching Liv in the face. Well, not really. I suppose she couldn't help it.

This probably explains why my opinions of 2 and 3 are so much more favourable than most folk around here. I loved the epic scale and complex interweaving stories of the first two sequels.

Evidently I have a snark deficiency, because I'm excited for this (doomed to failure though it may be). If they can make it work, I'm there 100%.

I guess I'll be that one guy who admits to liking shared universes, and hoping that this turns out well.

Since when has 'somebody did this decades ago' or 'this already exists in book form' ever stopped any movie from happening? If anything, they make it more likely.

Well, at least I won't be compelled to keep watching if it all goes to shit after a promising first season.

I didn't even particularly care about the twist one way or the other, I was just amused by the fervent hatred that it got in the comments (even when it was only a twinkle in the internet speculation machine's eye).

Oh, cool, I had the same thought, and I was only half watching so I missed the close up on the device. Definitely seemed like he was preparing to make a sacrifice play. Also, he wasn't there at the end.

Observation and

So are terrible movie-going experiences an American thing? Because as an Australian I feel like the only times in recent memory I've been exposed to less-than-civil audience members is during films like Moana or Lego Batman. And kids aren't assholes, they just don't have the attention span to sit still for thirty…

Inside a computer, because he's a digital effect that can't actually be photographed. Same with Triton, probably, and *fingers crossed* Medusa's hair.

Your argument is based entirely on your apparent dislike of Guardian. When Kryptonians are exposed to kryptonite they're effectively crippled, becoming weaker than regular humans. There is no reason to believe Daxamites and their weakness to lead is any different.

The Mist/Bug Spray was lead dust (Winn says so during the scene), and Daxamites have a kryptonite-like weakness to lead. So the Guardian fight was totally believable.

Yeah. 'This is my daughter, Wife of Chieftain.'