
If I was to think about it, I'd say it's there to show off the most exciting bits of the trailer straight away, to ensure that people with short attention spans stick around until the end. For those over the age of five though, it's really fucking annoying.

That's 14 movies with zero artistic merit, thank you very much!

Of all the terrible DC films to try and make a case for, you're really trying to go with Suicide Squad? The one that tried to be just like Guardians of the Galaxy, only much worse in every aspect? You can't even reach for the usual 'at least they tried something different' nonsense.

'The list of nominees for Best Picture will continue after these messages…'


There was a segment of Nintendo Treehouse footage from last year's E3 that featured a group of female Treehouse staffers playing as a shirtless Link in a snowy (ie. dangerously cold) environment just because they thought he looked sexy that way.

Based on what I've seen, finding food can be as simple as picking the mushrooms/fruit you find as you walk around. Cooking is more involved, but easy enough if you have a fire.

You can beat the whole game wearing boxers, as far as I know. It would be pretty hard, given the new temperature system and the lack of protection, but it should theoretically be possible. (Clothing, like weapons, can be equipped and unequipped.)

I remember playing the original Final Fantasy, where you start on a peninsula with ocean to the south, and after heading north a bit you can either go east or west. East is the path you're supposed to take; no problems. Head west, and the moment you cross an unguarded bridge across a river, you start encountering

Maybe insofar as they were guarding item boxes, but not from the Bros themselves.


I really need to get around to defunking my Gamecube…

Yeah, I'm sure it will be fine. But until we get some footage giving us an idea of the film's scope/tone, it's understandable that people are wary.

I have no qualms with a Thor film being funny, and I'm excited about Waititi's involvement in general, but I can certainly see why people would be concerned that a film sub-titled Ragnarok is shaping up to be a laugh-fest. One of Dark World's (numerous) problems was the inability to balance stakes with humour, and it

Hey guys, what if Simmons is 'dead' in the Framework because her biggest regret was leaving Will behind on Maveth? Maybe she's back on that planet with her hunky astronaut boyfriend, and thus merely presumed dead.

Yeah, I don't know who thought that was a good idea. It's definitely not an irrational hatred.

I'm surprised Sabine left the group. It feels oddly momentous. I wonder if the true leader she referred to will turn out to be Bo-Katan. I was also surprised Sabine didn't use her wrist-mounted vibration attack (the one designed to mimic a Jedi's Force Push) to crack the ice and send Saxon into the water, but that's

You know, I've been hearing that word all over the place for a while, but I never bothered to look up what it is until now. So thank you for furthering my internet education.

I honestly can't tell whether this is a real Trump supporter, or a parody of a Trump supporter. That's where we are at the moment.

But how would you breathe?!