
My theory that the real Mace will be dead and replaced by an LMD come season's end certainly gained some traction tonight.

Has it been proven one way or another whether James and Lena have never interacted? Because James' story about Clark and Lex's friendship implies that James knows Lex personally. It wouldn't be outrageous to think he's met Lena before as well.

Don Cheadle was definitely in Civil War.

There isn't enough room for three dudes with hyphenated names, though, so Ant-Man will have to hitch a ride in your armpit webbing.

That's actually going to be an important third act plot development.

The only problem with this idea is that it would lead to a dozen Batman films, a handful of Superman films, and exactly zero films about any other DC characters.

And then Star-Lord can respond with: 'I understood that reference.'

I thought 7 was pretty rubbish, but damn it if this trailer didn't win me over.

Streaming on Netflix.


Yeah, she was always written as a little… slow for her age.

They could avoid the Man-Ape title and just call him M'Baku, for a start.

I seem to recall a possible retcon, which stated the Psyche-Magnitron was some kind of 'wish machine', and in the moment it exploded, Danvers wished to be able to save Mar-Vell, and that was how she got her powers. I'm not sure whether I want to be remembering that correctly or not.

I mean, in the current-MCU canon, she's on the run after bailing on the Sokovia Accords. That's already a pretty solid set-up for a fugitive film/series. Add in something more personal like Yelena Belova appearing to continue dredging up bad memories about the Red Room and you're golden. And the film/series could end

A miniseries would have been perfect in the aftermath of Winter Soldier. Nat's lines at the end of that film about having destroyed all her old aliases when she leaked SHIELD's files to the world, and wanting to spend some time coming up with a new one (paraphrasing badly) would have been great set up for her figuring

The answer is Ike Perlmutter, as far as I can tell. Apparently he didn't believe female-led films could be successful. He's gone now, as far as Marvel Studios is concerned, but they can't just pull a Black Widow film out of nowhere.

Why would this news make you think they're chickening out? We're over two years out from the release date, and they have six other films to deliver in the meantime.

Go home, Yon-Rogg. You're drunk.

Edgar Wright was hired to direct Ant-Man in 2006, when it could have feasibly been a more-or-less standalone film, and then decided to put off making it until 2014 or so. Which is totally fine, but by that time the entire MCU had moved on, and there wasn't really any way that he and Marvel could both get what they

Hey, the Tau Empire are a bunch of boy scouts compared to the Imperium!