
There are already issues of the current Star Wars comic that detail some of his adventures on Tatooine, and they're pretty good. Whether they'd translate to the big screen is another matter.

And you don't find it at all hypocritical to tell me not to defend the movie before I've seen it, while bashing it before you've seen it?

Who says his story hasn't even started yet? There's an interview over at IGN which sets him up as the leader of a group dedicated to investigating the monsters, and it suggests that he's a lot older than he appears. I'd be pretty surprised if he's yet to meet his other half.

I mean, sure, but if you insist on only watching say, Captain America 3, then you really only have yourself to blame for not understanding the film in its entirety.

One of my favourite little moments in the film is right after Nebula blows up Gamora's pod, ostensibly killing her, and there's a close up of Nebula's face as she realises that she maybe wasn't as okay with killing her sister as she thought she was. Nice, subtle acting moment.

They talk about how it ruins the film, but I find it really hard to believe that anyone could watch the movie up to that point and be totally on-board, then balk at the dance-off. It's just so true to all the characters involved; I really can't imagine an alternate ending which wouldn't ring false.

Everything looks great. Glad to see they've kept Mantis' telepathy/empathy. Cool power, and great potential for jokes.

Also, while I was pleased with the direction the episode went, early on, when Oliver and Robert are about to be mugged, and the Hood shows up right when Oliver steps forward to protect his father, I initially thought that the Hood might be a manifestation of Oliver's subconscious, fighting back against the

You can be bisexual and still prefer girls.

Watching the Flash installment and this back to back, I was reminded of the two kinds of event comic tie-ins. The Flash was a typical tie-in; it takes the comic's regular cast of characters and throws them at the event's central premise (alien invasion!) alongside a bunch of characters from other stories. The best you

The whole Wally situation is really stupid. Not Wally himself, for once; he's fine. It's the insistence on not letting him learn how to use his powers properly.

In a shock twist, Noone decides to wait for more than 15 seconds of footage before outright condemning upcoming film.

I haven't read it, but there's a story arc called One More Day where Aunt May is mortally wounded and Peter trades his marriage with Mary Jane to Mephisto in exchange for his aunt's life. So basically a flimsy justification for Peter's marriage ending in a 'heroic' fashion. The story is… not well liked by Spider-Man

You have a rather scattershot way of explaining yourself, but from what I understand you were a SkyeWard shipper who wanted Ward to have a redemption arc because he was a victim of abuse, and you would have liked to see a character come back from that.

Aside from the budgetary concerns, it would have given away the MackRider reveal too early.

Pretty much. By the end of episode 7 I was ready to give it the Marvel/Netflix crown. By the end of 13 I just wanted it to be over.

I agree that DD S1 was the best, pacing wise, but I don't see why mini-arcs can't work for the Netflix shows. They're working great with AOS (longer season admittedly). The problem with the mini-arcs in DD S2 and LC S1 is that the second/third arcs have been much weaker than the first, so you leave the season on a

For someone who claims to hate it, and to have stopped watching a couple seasons back, you sure do devote a lot of attention to this show. It goes on hiatus for a month, and yet the day it returns, so do you. Why not try out one of the many other fine shows going around instead?

Referencing the events of Doctor Strange would have been silly, given all the chaos happened in the Mirror Dimension, and SHIELD doesn't have a proper grasp on magical happenings yet anyway. They've made connections through similar concepts (magic books, other dimensions and beings thereof, portals, hand gestures) and

The book seems to translate itself into the reader's first language, not whichever one would be the most economical, so I think we're good.