
To the tune of Crazy in Love.

Lucky bastard.

They could use it to help explain how he's Rey's grandfather*, too.

Is that supposed to be… Mini-Me from Austin Powers? Because that's what I'm getting.

Seven Samurai with Bounty Hunters is already an episode of the Clone Wars. Called 'Bounty Hunters', incidentally.

Aww, he ran away. Or was given the boot. I had a clever reply and everything.

Hey now, I put a lot of work into that song!

Yes, we should all model our sex lives on other mammalian species. I vote for the Antechinus!

Not to answer on his behalf, but Dan didn't actually say that. Both groups face stigma. It's not a contest.

Always amusing when someone tries to insult asexual folk by calling them virgins. May as well make fun of a straight man for how few dudes he's slept with.

I'm always down for a Hondo episode, and this one had some kickass action and a cool setting to boot. The whole load-cargo-while-escaping-impending-doom scenario is exactly the kind of thing I would have acted out with action figures as a kid. And I loved the moment where Ezra seals the door, only to reveal the big

The sentry droid Azmorigan shot down definitely got back up; you can see the blaster marks on its head.

Really? Dude was kidnapped, assaulted, and made to work at icicle-point, and then when he pleads for the hero to subdue the clearly dangerous metahuman, the hero punches him so hard he wakes up in the hospital.

That might have been what they were going for, but what they got was 'magically influencing people into wanting to commit suicide'. That shit was way more disturbing than a plain ol' electric chair.

Joke's on you; I was born without an ass!

Well, in this specific case it's a dating site. Presumably you're not just concerned with self-image; it matters how other people see you. I imagine plenty of trans women have put their gender down as female in the past, only to face a backlash when their potential suitors find out they *used to be a man*. Also, they

Yeah, fuck those people who are born with male and female genitalia, right? Who do they think they are, demanding respect after being born different?

Uh, maybe the continued ridicule of trans people could reinforce the conservative notion that people who don't conform to outdated gender norms are weird or dangerous or inhuman, thus perpetuating discrimination and violence against the trans community?

No different to Flash, really. If he used his powers properly he'd be unstoppable to anyone but other speedsters.

Gloriously convenient, aye.