
The fact that BVS is longer than the average superhero film would only be a boon if the bulk of it weren't shit.

I know I bought it. Not sure about the other guy.

To be fair, SW could be an Inhuman whose powers were simply triggered by something other than terrigen mist. But it hasn't been confirmed. There was obviously something different about her and Quicksilver, in order for them to survive the Hydra experiments when others didn't. But in the world of Marvel that difference

If it follows the comics, then:

Guess I'll go ahead and be that guy who's unreservedly excited for this.

If I was going to crossover the two, I would make it so that Attilan decided to announce itself to the world in response to all the new Inhumans popping up in SHIELD. So the crossover would be more like the Avengers 'incident' being baked into the premise of Daredevil, rather than characters from one show popping up

SHIELD probably will be cancelled, but that's just because the ratings continue to fall.

Young Justice made Aqualad look like a badass.

Given that she usually yells 'EMBIGGEN!' before giant-fist-punching someone, I think the goofiness is a part of the package.

I'll take one Peggy Carter and the Agents of Atlas, please.

'I think it's happening on television.'

Well shit, no wonder Feige was so vague.

If a movie happens, it will focus on Attilan and the Royal Family, which both have very little to do with the events of the show, so that is hardly a problem.

Cheers, that was a good read.

But trans folk face issues that cis folk don't. You can't solve those issues without targeting them specifically. Are you supposed to somehow disguise legislation designed to help small groups so that the bigots can't get angry that problems they'll never have to face are being tackled? Or just let the small groups

How though? Obviously I'm not expecting you to have any answers to that question. But it seems to me that unless the government has been sitting on some miraculous solution to all their problems, the only way to appease them would be to cease all efforts to help minorities and other vulnerable groups and redirect all

I can appreciate the sentiment, and deep down, I'd like to think this way too. But I just don't understand how desperate and/or stupid they have to be to not realise Trump is exactly the kind of self-serving rich white asshole who fucked them all over so badly in the first place.

But how do you get them to accept that this is the way things are now, when it's so much easier for them to just scapegoat brown people? They don't listen to reason.

The director also ruled out the IM2 test pilot, by the way.

To be honest, I'm Australian, so I'm not particularly well-versed in syndication either. But I'm pretty sure the show has achieved syndication with season 4, making it no longer a motivating factor for renewal.