
But later we see Sabine shoot another one down, and he explodes upon hitting the ground. So it's not like they can't do that. It just didn't make sense for a dude who hit a wall helmet-first to explode.

Provided this isn't sarcasm (you can never tell 'round these parts), I totally agree. But the ratings simply aren't there, and I'm pretty sure this season the show achieves syndication. Unless Disney decides they really want a fifth season, this is probably it.

Agents of Shield is almost certainly in its final season. Problem solved.

So he has. Now all I need is for Moon Knight to get his own Netflix series as a lead in for the film.

I was explaining some of the Easter Eggs to my friends after we saw it, and when I got to the Staff of the Living Tribunal I realised that Mordo's parting words for Strange was that there would be a reckoning for his meddling with the natural order, and that the Living Tribunal would be a perfect embodiment of that

Doesn't matter. Project Insight was morally dubious long before Hydra got control of it. The fact that the bad guys got their hands on it doesn't negate the fact that the good guys created it.

But they updated the Asian manservant by not making him a manservant. If you take the 'wise old master' part out of the Ancient One, then the character no longer exists.

Plus, they took Wong out of the manservant role and made him an authority figure in his own right.

Just here to point out that the Insight Helicarriers were primarily backed by Nick Fury, the director of SHIELD, and not a member of Hydra.

(And Kathmandu.)

Also spoilers, I suppose:

3D Printers typically obey the laws of thermodynamics.

Good call. Would certainly tie in better with GR.

So, could Eli Morrow be a new take on Molecule Man? That was my first thought, though on closer inspection, MM's powers aren't what I thought they were.

Yeah, every time he tries to micromanage his own life through time travel he basically renders the lives and choices of everyone else on the planet meaningless. If I was a member of Team Flash, I'd be supremely pissed off at him.

More like 5+ years, for most consoles (even the Wii U, failure that it is, will make it past 4).

But then you have to make sure you have a decent computer, and continually upgrade it in order to play the newest games. If you have a console, you know that any game you buy for it will work.

What was the other poster about? The one that had a woman and some lightning on it, titled 'Voltara'.

I believe the collective noun for Marthas is 'justice league'.

I felt her tearing up after May left was a good sign. She's been distancing herself from what happened, and now she's starting to face it and move forward.