
Daredevil Season 1 does lose a bit of steam towards the end, and the comic-booky turn the finale takes is somewhat jarring. But the finale also features the sequence where Fisk's web of corruption is taken down to the tune of Nessun Dorma, which is one of the most satisfying things I've ever seen. So I'm pretty

Yeah, hopefully they turn things around. I know I sound pretty negative about the whole thing, but it's because I care about Star Wars to an unhealthy degree. TFA just rubbed me the wrong way, repeatedly.

It's a bit hard to look at Anakin's training in detail, because of the 10 year gap between TPM and AOTC. But as far as I remember, child Anakin doesn't randomly pull new abilities out of his arse throughout the first film. As Qui-Gon Jinn explains, the Force grants precognition to force-sensitive folks, which makes

I seem to recall reading that the Defenders and JJS2 were filming back to back (in that order) so JJS2 should beat out DDS3. Punisher I'm not sure on.

This was definitely a bit of a clanker (*Zeb chuckles*) in parts, but I can't deny the joy I felt seeing a pair of Jedi and a Clone Trooper taking on a battalion of battle droids one last time.

Plus he had experience running a team from his criminal mastermind days. He was definitely the top choice for Captain, with Sara as his first mate.

It seems more the other way around. Logan's healing factor is failing, and life is finally catching up to him. This is supposedly only set in 2024, after all.

Our ousted former Prime Minister seems to like Trump. But he's a dickhead, and his replacement knows better. Besides, we already had our own Trump in Clive Palmer. Although Clive was hilariously ineffectual by comparison.

1) and 2) are dead ends, so I'll leave them be.

He's not fucking coming down here.

1) Rey was also injured. She'd been knocked unconscious only moments before beginning the duel.

And Rey had recently been hurled into a tree by Kylo Ren, and then fallen heavily to the ground, hitting her head both times and being knocked unconscious. That's concussion country.

The Dark Side is stronger. That's why it's so alluring; it's a shortcut to power.

Counterpoint: Practitioners of the Dark Side *gain* power from negative emotions. So if anything he should have been stronger. Part of what makes Vader so powerful is how much he hates himself.

She's wearing them in the first episode when she encounters Ghost Rider for the first time. I would assume she wears them when she's on pre-planned Quake missions, but not when she's just kicking around. Quake has been in the news, and there's a good chance she's been identified as wearing metal gauntlet, so she

Aside from comparisons to Ultron, I think the problem is that SHIELD is highly regulated now and Radcliffe doesn't have the go-ahead to be working on this technology. Fits (and now Simmons) are trying to protect their mad scientist friend from getting the boot. The greater problem, of course, is that AIDA is almost

It's interesting that Imperial command seems to be populated largely by white men, and yet the most competent individuals among them often aren't. Off the top of my head, there's Thrawn, Pryce and Inspector Thanoth from the Vader comic.

Yeah, I feel like Abrams' whole mystery box approach with TFA has really hamstrung projects set around that period.

Not having a go at the reviewer, but it's kind of funny how his claim that Hera's mission was pointless parallels Slavin's view of the Kalikori as a 'primitive trinket'.

I have little in the way of hard evidence, but I'm relatively certain George Lucas was personally bankrolling the Clone Wars. He was heavily involved creatively, and it would explain the rather impressive animation from later seasons.