
Well. Maybe the show is better off ignoring that particular issue. Still, TheMoreYouKnow.

I wonder how Timeline 1 Iris feels, sitting on that porch waiting for a Barry who's never going to come back.

I stand corrected. (Just to be clear, when you say 'affected them just fine', you mean it killed them, right?)

I mean, if it doesn't turn out to be the best DCEU film to date, that would make it a worse film than Man of Steel. If that turns out to be the case, DC really are boned.

The brother was in a cocoon, not petrified. Go back and watch the scene from the mid-season finale in season 2, comparing what happens to Daisy and what happens to Trip. They're pretty easy to tell apart; the most tell-tale sign is that the cocoon envelops the entire body, clothes included, whereas the clothing of

He was also making a point specifically about incidents that the heroes present in that meeting had a hand in. If the point you're trying to make is 'the eight of you guys need to be regulated' then you don't bring up that one time those other guys did something that no one really knows about.

The comics had a wave of Terrigen mist spread over most of the planet a year or two ago, so if that were the case, most of the population of 616 would be dead/cocooned. I do, however, remember that some people went into the cocoon and never came out again because they were only weakly Inhuman (however that works).

I mean, Civil War probably finished filming before AoS season 3 even started airing. Specifics may not even have been available.

If you dig deep enough into the comics lore, mutants are a result of the Celestials tampering with ancient human DNA anyway. Regardless, the initial Inhuman population would have interbred with vanilla humans for many generations at this point, so they're mostly human anyway.

I'm pretty sure she still has them (she was using them during the opening of the first episode this season, I believe), but rather understandably she doesn't walk around with them on in broad daylight. Chunky metal gauntlets are pretty conspicuous, and there's a good chance authorities know that Quake wears them.

She's too busy having most of her screen time cut over at Fox.

I was just wondering what happened to that comic. Was it cancelled, or is it still in the pipeline somehow?

Loved the unspoken strategy from Pryce when Sabine and the others first made a break for it. Killing one of the pilots and leaving the other three stranded shows the rebel cruiser that they're in danger, but still able to be rescued, making the crusier more likely to stick around and get shot down.

Another Justin Hammer cameo?

You're not wrong, but at the same time, Daredevil and Luke Cage are two very distinct flavours of punching. I'm expecting some pretty sweet combos.

Just here to say that I don't watch Gotham, but fully support the concept of discussion posts.

It's a fun inclusion for fans of the original character and he's been a neat addition for the one episode of the show he's featured in. Is that not enough?

I wasn't bothered by the fact people were disappointed by the second half of the show. I was bothered by the fact they voiced that disappointment in the review for episode 9.

More than anything I think it suffered from being stuffed into a single episode. A few extra minutes would have helped things feel more fleshed out.