
On Loki's portal, he needed a powerful energy source to open it in the first place, and the arc-reactor-powered Stark Tower fit the bill, in addition to playing into Loki's mind games. So that one gets a pass. Vision, not so much,

There are people here (me, and presumably Leto) who read this after watching episode 9. So to be bombarded with 'It's all downhill from here' comments is more than a little disappointing. We have spoiler tags now for a reason.

Supposedly a lot of Rand's story is the realisation of his white privilege. Haven't read enough of his books to confirm or deny that. But as much as I would have liked to see an Asian-American Danny Rand, casting Finn Jones wasn't whitewashing.

You corrected him because he was wrong, not because he can probably get away without knowing the correct terminology. If you're going to be a jerk about it, at least make sense.

I don't really see how it was a leap for Mack to make that connection. Once he realises that someone is smuggling bone-healing medicine to Daisy, the pool of suspects is immediately reduced to the show's main characters, because who else would be willing to steal SHIELD supplies in order to help a random rogue SHIELD

Fortunately Robbie is a mechanic, so he can probably get away without knowing the correct terminology.

No, it's Christmas 2012. Shane Black, and all that.

What browser are you using? Google's might help.

Yeah, totally. I mean, the first act's similarities to the opening of ANH are almost laughable if you actually think about them, but there's a lot to like there. Jakku is a really well-constructed little ecosystem, full of neat litttle details, and the stuff with Finn and his breakdown/desertion is new and interesting.

100%. I enjoyed the movie while I was watching it, and then the credits started rolling. All around me the other opening-night nerds started applauding, while I just sat there, thinking. I somehow ended up seeing it twice more in theatres (I think I needed closure on my disappointment) and by now I almost kind of hate

Darkwing Duck?

You'd think people would have learned by now that when your film is built around a team of characters, you have to make the audience care about the team of characters. It's the difference between Guardians of the Galaxy and Suicide Squad. Well, one reason.

In the comics he can actually phase right through the car doors/roof/etc. I doubt they'll do that on a TV budget, but done well it could be an awesome moment for a (mid?)season finale.

They removed it from their release schedule, but having said that, the addition of Spider-Man: Homecoming and Ant-Man and the Wasp had already pushed its release date back past Infinity War pt. 2, and presumably into Phase 4, so they may just want to rethink how it's introduced and all that.

He does, yes.

Yep. Same-sex marriage is the hot topic in our politics at the moment, and I suspect we're on the road to making it legal, but the government is going about things in a way that suggests they're trying to delay the decision as much as possible, for the benefit of the more conservative factions. Looking like it'll be

Well, last time they were in power, Labor led a coup against their own leader… twice. Which didn't help. The Liberals (our inexplicably named conservative party) have since done that once as well, and limped over the finish line at the last election. Meanwhile, political apathy has led to the rise of a number of

Can't really talk much. The supposed crowning achievement of our conservative government's most recent term was being the first country in the world to move backwards on climate change.

Bit of an aside, but how fucking long are your presidential campaigns? Down here in Oz our most recent election saw our second longest campaign ever - 73 days. I swear I've been hearing about Trump running for president for two years now. How do you folks stand it? And how does your government ever get anything done?

I've never understood why people think Kylo Ren is interesting. It seems to be rooted in the fact that he's 'conflicted', without actually considering his conflict with any depth. So he's torn between the light side and the dark side. The pull of the light side is fair enough - most people would probably balk at