
And now BvS sits at 6.9, and SS has already dropped to 7.7. And that's despite the overwhelming number of pre-release 10s both received from desperate fans.

Director of next DC film on the chopping block thinks crap movie is great.

I'm with you on Lost, QoS and especially TFA.

I'd say most of her performance in BvS is at the level of second-string Bond girl (you know, the ones which Bond sleeps with, only for them to promptly die). Then in the third act she does a decent job of looking pretty while posing in front of a green screen.

I think that's Zack Snyder's yearbook quote.

No joke, but the featured comment over at IGN is basically a straight-faced version of this. Something about these first three films being trial and error and they'll get there eventually. Apparently WB have only just discovered this whole 'moving pictures' gig.

I think Black Widow's comment about being a monster was about the fact that she had been mentally and surgically altered to make her a more efficient killing machine, and then for years she was that killing machine. But I agree that it was open to unfortunate interpretations due to sloppy writing.

Dude's 32. In all fairness I'm not sure he ever had much chance of being cast as 13 year old Miles.

Donald Glover has actually been cast in the new Spider-Man. I mean, probably not as Miles Morales, but still, it's not nothing.

Or, just maybe, headlining a franchise from the nigh-unstoppable Marvel Studios will dramatically raise her profile and give her the financial freedom to do any films she wants for the next ten years.

If I were in charge over at Marvel, this is the season in which I would introduce magic. Doctor Strange is only 4 months away, after all. Never badmouth synergy.

Amusing, given that Daisy Johnson predates this particular Ghost Rider by roughly ten years.

I know it's what you were talking about. I just happen to think you are wrong, though of course that would depend largely on the parameters for your proposed average/mixed category.

Elektra, Catwoman and Supergirl have all had films. I'm not saying that there hasn't been a disproportionately low number of female-lead films, but fair is fair.

During the Rebels panel at Star Wars Celebration a woman asked if Maz would appear in the show, and Dave Filoni pointed at her and said, 'Now, that is a good idea.' And then he went on to say that him thinking it was a good idea meant nothing whatsoever in terms of the likelihood of it actually happening.

Zahn is working on a Thrawn book for the new canon, and was brought in to look at the direction the show was taking with Thrawn (and he approved of what they were doing). So I imagine he'll be fairly faithful.

Dave Filoni has confirmed that they're being left out, due to pretty much the exact reason you've provided.

What kind of reverse-Runaways bullshit is this? Seriously, someone (not you, Fox) go make Runaways.

If his top pick was Daredevil, Nightwing would be a pretty solid consolation prize.

Not all the time
Just when he has a problem
With his self esteem