
Much like Spider-Gwen, who doesn't actually go by Spider-Gwen, on account of secret identities, and all.

Ten out of the thirteen current Marvel Studios films have scored 75% or above from both critics and audiences, so it's not like many of them would fall into a 'mixed' category if one were introduced.

Which is why you also look at the audience scores, the critics consensus text, and the average score out of 10, all of which RT provides.

It isn't obvious because I'm coming from a place of ignorance. I'm an introverted asexual white male nerd who didn't start thinking about matters of race or gender, and how they affected other people, until relatively recently. Believe it or not, I'm actually trying to learn and broaden my perspective through these

I believe this is the part where I play the straw man card. We're not talking about my paranoid fantasies; we're talking about a specific scenario in which a writer decided to foreground a black, female supporting character (of his own creation), as part of the next arc in an ongoing story he was writing, and some

Sure, screw Bendis, but would you apply that same sentiment to all white writers? Replace them the moment they try to write more diverse stories?

It pretty much was a title, back in the days of Donald Blake. Not that that makes it any easier to distinguish between Thor and Odinson in conversation.

And sometimes, even their pouches have pouches.

Hell, sometimes she wasn't even half-scale.

I get it, but at some point ideals have to meet reality. Marvel can only sustain so many titles at a given time, and names like Falcon and Amadeus Cho just don't have the pulling power of Captain America or Hulk. If using an established brand as a springboard can bring new or obscure characters (and greater diversity)

Falcon has no connection to Captain America now?

Surely we're pushing for both, though? As et11 said, this character will bounce around the MU for years if she can make her mark now, and it'll be great if she gets a solo series written by a woman of colour in future. But kicking Bendis off your flagship title because he decided to create a black, female character

The worst is Valeria Richards, who was three years old for a loooong time. Turns out a lot of people struggle to draw three year old super geniuses.

Old Wolverine is from an alternate universe. 616-Wolverine is dead - for now.

Can't really understand the backlash on this one. Bendis is already writing Invincible Iron Man, and I'm pretty sure this character got her start as a supporting character in that series. If her coming to the fore is just the latest development in his story, then what's the problem? Aren't we supposed to be

Took me a while to get around to trying this, but I fucking loved it. And I've never seen the original series.

I believe that particular issue was actually addressed elsewhere in this interview. I think Reed's response was basically, 'Scott was a fugitive for most of the first film as well, it shouldn't be too hard to keep that up in the second'. So they're certainly not ignoring it.

Actually, I think GotG Vol. 2 has a female main villain too, and that's before Ragnarok.

So that's what he meant when he said he was heading to Dorne on the Morrow.

I'm pretty sure they only show him charging after Ramsay's archers loose a volley of arrows, so I was under the impression it was charge or become a pincushion. By the time he chose to try and save Rickon, he was already in the trap.