
Oh, there's no way he was going to survive within the rules of the show, but if Jon had given warning on the last shot, I reckon he could have got to Rickon and carried him out of firing range before Ramsay could do much of anything.

Also, sure, it may not have been the tactical play, but that was his damn brother (and the person with the single greatest claim to Winterfell) about to be callously murdered. Viewers might scoff at his recklessness, but would they really stand by and watch their youngest sibling be shot down when there was a chance

'Sale not supported in your region'

To be fair, Dany kind of is in the market for a massive fleet.

You and me both, pal.

There is a Metroid game coming to the 3DS, called Metroid Prime: Federation Force. It's a squad based shooter where you play as a group of Galactic Federation soldiers in mech suits.

I want Nintendo to reveal that the NX will launch with a new 3D Mario, Legend of Zelda, Metroid Prime 4, Pikmin 4 and an F-Zero title. And also for it to have full 3rd party support. Yep.

I don't think 60% is all that big a drop, especially after a good opening. Civil War dropped 59.5% in it's second US weekend, for instance.

Jones is a huge Warcraft fan who absolutely wanted to make this film, by the way.

When did they kill a bunch of soldiers and law enforcement? Do you mean Crossbones' band of mercenaries at the start?

Followed by Infinity War: The Fall of Monkey Joe.

The answer is obvious, you guys. Next episode, Arya kills the Waif and peels away her face-mask only to reveal… she was Nymeria all along!

Basically, Superman isn't even trying to fight Batman when the fight starts, he's just trying to get Batman's help in saving his mother. Batman doesn't give a shit though, because he's a major asshole, and so Superman just weathers all the traps Batman has set for him and then tosses him around to prove the point of

I get the don't care part, but how are you even responding to anything if you don't know? The headline isn't a question.

Going for the last few bewitchments on Bayonetta 2. Infinite Climax difficulty here I come!

Fair enough. As someone who quite enjoys AoS and thinks it's become a pretty solid show, I'm just tired of seeing it put down, while shows like the Flash get praised despite having major, glaring flaws. I still like the Flash, but it often seems like a hefty dose of fan service is enough to make people ignore the fact

AoS has been kicking Flash's ass when it comes to plotting for a while now. The first half of AoS season three had three distinct subplots all come together in the one episode, in a way that was both surprising, and totally satisfying. The AoS writers have shown on multiple occasions that they plan well in advance,

That's cool. I wasn't taking issue with this film per se, just the notion that there's no way to justify the X-Men having colourful costumes.

It seems pretty easy to me to justify a unified kind of X-Men costume. It can be a pride thing, being out and proud as mutants. It can be a safety thing, warning people that the X-Men are around and shit might be about to go down. It can be a branding thing, where mutant-fearing civilians see these guys show up and

Well, yeah, you try wearing that costume without getting a wedgie.