
I'm just waiting for the post-credits scene where Goldblum and Benicio del Toro drink martinis with Cosmo and Howard the Duck.

Apparently they had a hard time keeping it on during action scenes as well.

Okay, I can see where you're coming from. I just get annoyed when people say the X-Men are being written out of existence despite the fact they have three ongoing team books, among others.

I haven't read those books, but I keep an eye on reviews, and the same could be said of the current Avengers team books. Does that mean they've been banished to the margins too?

Kevin Feige has said in the past that if anyone were to make a Namor film it would be Marvel Studios, but that it was more complicated than that.

…in 2006.

Obligatory comment pointing out that there are still 6-7 X-Men-lead books being published by Marvel right now, and only 4 Inhuman books. Hardly being banished to the margins of the comic line.

I'll have you know that the Spidey Signal made me light up like a Christmas tree. I mean, sure, the other 9 people I saw the film with had no idea what it was, but that's their fault for not being massive nerds.

If you're planning years in advance, you can't even guarantee that a given show will still exist by the time your plans come to fruition.

With ease. I like Flash, but it seems to get a free pass on so much bullshit that AoS would get torn to shreds for.

It's possible it was mentioned at some point, but I'm pretty sure it was only foreshadowed by Fitz's repeated warnings.

Given real Absorbing Man's apparent heel-turn (and connection to the recurring Talbot), I'd be fine with just using him in Stonewall's place. And bringing Deathlok back. With you on everything else, though.

I could be wrong, but it looked to me like she had multiple gunshot wounds. Some of the bullets also hit the windows on either side of Mack.

Fitz's takedown of Giyera was great too. 'You won't see it coming.'

I'm really hoping Radcliffe's story leads to the reintroduction of AIM. With Hydra out of the way for now, there's room for a new evil organisation.

Yo-Yo didn't dive in the way of the bullets. She was trying to catch them, which is all kinds of badass once you realise she's nowhere near fast enough to catch bullets. That shot where Mack almost gets riddled with bullets was a great psych-out too.

I don't know how exactly, but that scene hit me like a truck.

Which is why the movie's average rating of 8.5 should also be taken into account.

I suspect the perceived (and actual) target audience for the TV shows skews older than the films, thus less focus on potential toys and such. I can't imagine Jessica Jones having much of a child audience.

She even has powers in the comics.