
But he considers them as parents nonetheless, which is my point.

I'm not going to argue that they're perfectly consistent with Cap's strength level, because of course they aren't. It's superhero fiction, it's just what happens (don't get me started on The Flash).

We don't need exact limits; it's not like the comics have ever provided them. It's better to think in relative terms. He's a lot stronger than a human, but not as strong as Spider-Man or an Iron Man suit.

Yeah, resurrecting Coulson was very definitely Joss Whedon's idea.

MCU Cap is clearly superhuman, compared to the peak-human version from 616. But the dude's supposed to be a supersoldier, so I can't really say I'm bothered.

Daisy's C-List, if you ask me. To my knowledge, she's never had her own solo, or even really been a lead in a team book. She played second fiddle to Nick Fury in Secret Warriors, she had a relatively small role in Secret Avengers, even when she was Director, and since then she hasn't done a whole lot. I'm sure she's

So he built himself some new ones.

There's also the fact that, after never getting a chance to say goodbye to them in the first place, he literally just watched his parents get murdered on camera, at the hands of a man standing in the same room. I mean, that's not the kinda thing you just shrug off.

Yeah, I'm an Aussie and I saw the film like a week ago. I've been itching for the review and spoiler space to go up ever since.

What other commenters have said, but also, right at the end of The Winter Soldier, Black Widow hands Cap a file that the Russians were keeping on the Winter Soldier. It seems pretty likely that it would have detailed his missions. So he could have learned from that as well.

Tony's last words in Iron Man 3: 'I am Iron Man'.

There's also the fact that it was a stealth mission, and Vision can't even remotely pass for human. Yes, he could have been waiting in the wings, but still.

I mean, he's actually more powerful than most of the people he was going to be fighting against, and they were all heroes, so the likelihood of any of them going for kill shots was pretty low.

'It reminds Batman that Superman is a person, with a family'

I'm partial to 'Batman v Superman: Delusions of Grandeur'.

The pair of them co-leading would probably be better, come to think of it. That would be an interesting relationship to explore.

I've been thinking recently that Bucky could lead a Secret Avengers type film.

The change was made before he joined the project.

As an asexual man, I wasn't sure whether to be vindicated or offended by this joke.

I get the feeling Shrek is also partially responsible.