
Last I checked, Marvel had roughly 7 X-Men related books, and three Inhuman related books. 'Almost wiped off completely' is a little dramatic.

I'm glad that this show's idiocy didn't fly under the radar this episode. I'm more or less a fan, but damn this show can be stupid at (most) times. Anyway, add to the tally of dumb things the fact that Earth-2 wasn't Zoom's playground, it was his tomb. He was trapped and dying without access to any other speedsters.

I know. This is all hypothetical anyway, so I figure this trilogy takes place in a world where the F4 and Namor are both back at Marvel Studios (which will probably happen anyway).

There's so much potential for science and exploration in their world, too. Subterranea and the Mole Man. Atlantis and Namor. Space and Galactus. There's your trilogy right there, without breaking a sweat.

I'm not so sure that applies to the F4. Half of the Thing's character is being bummed out about being an ugly rock man all of a sudden. Throw in the effects of sudden celebrity (particularly for Johnny) and so on, and I'd kind of like to see it all unfold.

I guess the only meaningful part would be if this actually acts as a springboard for a more cohesive story going forward, but it doesn't sound like that's happening.

I believe Miyamoto has said this is kind of a reboot story-wise (hence the title), which would explain why it doesn't seem to have advanced the plot of the series.

Huh. Well, you can never have too many Melters.

I believe he's an Iron Man rogue, with suit-based powers.

I'm not certain, but despite his Australian accent, I believe James was camped out somewhere in America, which makes the trip a little less enormous.

As far as I can tell, he's an original character. (My pick for his codename is Meltdown.)

I get the feeling that that's what the Mockingbird spinoff is for. The spinoff can double down on spy stuff, while AoS shifts more towards powered stuff (and a little spy stuff).

Yeah, I'm sure they'll be back. And in greater numbers. Hopefully they're all regulars in season 4.

The Avengers were promised in 2008 and not delivered on until 2012. Half a year isn't so bad by comparison.

Medusa's massive, prehensile hair is pretty not normal. And Kamala Khan is a shapeshifter, so.

Not to mention that things tend to escalate pretty quickly once a bunch of goons show up brandishing guns and threatening to detain you.

Yeah, I actually thought Luke Mitchell did a pretty good job in this one. And Lincoln was pretty badass in general (especially when he went all electric fence against Yoyo).

Still totally on board with this, but who the hell is picking the trailer music? Just awful.

What if it was, like, two pets? Would that do anything for you?

Huh. What was it that turned her into a bunch of chunks the first time? A virus, maybe?