
On the Indigo front, the explosion did turn her into a bunch of inanimate chunks, didn't it? And then Non had to reassemble her? Because if that's the case, then everything more or less checks out. She's out of commission for now, but if they want to bring her back, they just need to find someone else to put her two

I believe the novelisation goes into much greater detail, as one would expect.

I don't know if it's anything more than a rumour, but I've heard she's on the team as Rick Flagg's bodyguard.

My money is on Slipknot, but I think Enchantress will betray the team at some point, and she's the reason the rest of the squad is fighting a whole bunch of tar monsters in the trailer.

Are we talking about the Batmobile scene here? (BVS SPOILERS, I GUESS) Because Batman came after a bunch of guys in a tank, with the clear intention of wrecking their shit. He goes out of his way to cause as much damage to their vehicles (and thus the people inside them, Snyder) as possible, and his assault even gets

Supergirl would probably challenge Cap for that title. But WB could probably take notes from both to produce a great Superman movie.

But if different shows and movies have different ways of handling time travel, how is it unreasonable that this particular show chose this particular way, using Fitz as a scientific authority figure to lay down the rules for the audience?

Yeah, there wasn't any blood, but it was certainly short and spooky.

No, but there is an ongoing Warcraft game that has had over 100 million unique players over the course of the last twelve years, plus three fairly popular Warcraft RTS games before that, plus, if I recall correct, over 20 Warcraft novels.

Tony's last words before the credits in IM3 are literally 'I am Iron Man'. I have no idea why people continue to insist that him still being Iron Man in AoU was some kind of plot hole. Like, he built himself a new suit. Plot hole averted. Nothing to see here.

Pacific Rim had a pretty hilarious example of this, too.

'You got Rick Rolled in 2015!'

Ant-Man was their cheapest film to date ($130 million), and made roughly four times that worldwide, more than the first Hulk, Captain America and Thor films. Add to that the fact that a sequel was immediately greenlit and inserted into their packed upcoming slate, and I'd have to imagine Marvel were pretty happy with

I tried to post an image, but I think it got deleted. Suffice to say, the character featured in this trailer is Garona, a half-orc. The first trailer featured an actual orc woman (Draka), who looked much more orcish.

Well, call me Positive Polly, because I'm excited for this film. Am I gonna be disappointed? Probably. But frankly I think this has a better chance of being decent than most give it credit for.

You're referring to Garona, a half-orc. Here's an actual orc woman, as seen in the original trailer.

I don't think he has been exposed to Terrigen. I'm just saying that in the case of a transforming guy's blood preventing transformation, the comic book science checks out.

It's been a while since this thread began, and I'm not sure when exactly you came in, but my defense of midichlorians is contingent on knowledge drawn from all three of the original films, which, of course, had all been released by the time midichlorians were introduced.

There are definitely other Inhuman sanctuaries in the world; one in particular, Attilan, will almost certainly be the focus of the Inhumans film Marvel have planned for 2019. But we've already seen how secretive Inhuman societies can be, and for good reason. It isn't surprising that they would choose not to welcome

I mean, by the end of the original trilogy, the answer to 'Why Luke Skywalker?' was pretty clearly 'because he's Vader's son, and the only one capable of reaching the good man that had been Anakin Skywalker'. Also, because he's strong with the Force (but that's most likely because he's Vader's son anyway).