
As much as I'd like to see Lockjaw, I'd rather wait three years and have him in all his enormous glory than see him a diminished version in a couple of month's time.

Just casually, Henry Simmons (45) is old enough to be Chloe Bennet's (23) father.

Yeah, speedsters in general tend to break a show/film when they show up. People really underestimate the advantage of being able to move thirty times faster than the average human.

Daredevil and Age of Ultron both happened before the Terrigen spread began, which leaves only Ant-Man and Jessica Jones to incorporate fish oil tablets into the plot. And they were both pretty small scale.

If it was me, I would limit the new team members to Yoyo, Stonewall and Manifold, at least for this season. Phobos seems like a pretty big can of worms to open, what with having to introduce an entire other pantheon. And Sebastien Druid's powers are magic-based, so it seems obvious to introduce him around the time

My work here is done.

Yoyo was in the frame of the security footage, originally. I think it was only once they zoomed in and freeze-framed that she was cropped out. And if you can see a woman standing still in frame 1 and 3, and in 2 she's disappeared and a blurry speed person has appeared, you can probably connect the dots.

Then there's an opening in the Inhuman grand plan, isn't there?

Having the Secret Warriors spread out across the globe when they're not actively working a SHIELD case calls for a way to get them all in one place at the drop of a hat. Maybe they could introduce a teleporting Inhuman. Perhaps an Aboriginal one, by the name of Eden Fesi, who goes by the nickname Manifold.

I commented about Lash being population control a few episodes back. Stoked to see I might have been on to something.

Yeah, that was my thought as well.

I was really pleased to see the 'Inhuman powers are part of a pattern' concept. In the comics, it's more of a broad strokes thing than specific instances. It was also predictive.

I mean, half the point of this reboot is to have a high-school setting, right? Maybe they're going to cast a whole bunch of characters who go on to have important roles in the comics as Pete's classmates (MJ, Gwen, Liz Allan, Betty Brant, Flash Thompson, Harry Osborn, Ned Leeds and so on) and this happens to be the

Been pleasantly surprised with this show since it came back. I mean, my standards are pretty low (I'm also watching Ultimate Spider-Man), but I've found Guardians quite entertaining for the past couple of outings, and the way they're fleshing out the greater cosmic community (Inhumans, Spartax, Asgard) is encouraging.

I've been thinking how much cooler it would have been if instead of a stupid map, the key to finding Luke in TFA had been a holocron (leading Rey and the others to the temple where Luke is hiding only after they complete a series of trials). And having Ahsoka show up via the holocron would have been ace.

Not a lot of discussion about Kanan becoming a Jedi Knight. That was pretty cool, especially considering we've never seen it on screen before. I've really grown to like Kanan. He carries so much baggage with him, and he's almost certainly doomed to fail, but he's trying his hardest anyway. Just a really likeable,

Still, I appreciate you actually engaging with my points, instead of ignoring them and implying I was an idiot like that other guy.

I mean, if a quick and easy blood test exists, then surely the highly respected/organised Jedi Order could get it institutionalised on planets where they are viewed favourably, rather than continuing to rely on the whims of the Force. Anakin is an obvious outlier, what with being a slave living on a backwater planet.

Yeah, I was familiar with the terms Valar and Maiar, but that's about as deep as my LOTR knowledge goes. Can regular old humans learn magic? Because I'd still posit elves as being fundamentally different (ie. superior) to humans.

But what's the alternative to a quirk of biology? That the Force handpicks the people who are receptive to it? Why is it handpicking evil bastards like Palpatine? And why does it pick people from the same family line (especially when the last person in said line went off the rails the way Anakin did)?