
It's not especially fair to compare the relationship between Ezra and the wildlife he happens to encounter in a given episode with the relationship between protagonists and their pets/best friends on other shows.

I know I'm a little late, but freaking yes. Billy Madison comparison aside, these were my exact thoughts. And he gets bonus points for having a frustratingly slow speech pattern despite being a SPEEDSTER.

Huh, the more you know.

Why not just throw him into the nearest black hole? He might survive, but he's not getting back out again; he can't teleport, after all. Better yet, just time travel to the end of the universe, throw him out the door and travel back to whenever you like. He can't do any more damage after 1975 if he doesn't reappear in

Well, if my calculations are correct, it had to be travelling at twice the speed of sound in order to outspeed Barry, so maybe she's lucky it didn't simply slice her arm off at the shoulder.

I also loved the way her husband was blustering about how he would get back at Peggy for kidnapping Hunt, and then she cut him off with a cold, calm: 'What did you tell them?' And the room just fell silent.

Just thought I'd go against the grain and chime in with some positivity. I like the director, I like the lead actors, and I like Warcraft (loved Warcraft 3, back in the day). And for what it's worth, this is a Warcraft film not a WoW film, which means that a) the fetch quest jokes are wide of the mark and b) this film

To be fair, the female orc you're referring to is a half-orc. The actual orc women look like, well, orc women.

The fact that Cisco has a secret list of known metahumans which he has apparently shared with everyone except Barry is pretty bizarre. I mean, the Flash's job description is basically 'arrive at the scene of a crime only to be attacked by an individual with superpowers'. You'd think his team would want to prepare him

No worries.

Yeah, I noticed that the other day. I'm not sure that really counts as canon, but the evidence against me is certainly mounting.

Yeah, once the Phasma thing was pointed out to me, I just couldn't believe they didn't do that instead. It would have been such an improvement, in so many ways.

Interestingly, Nuke's name in the comics is Frank Simpson, not Will Simpson, and the name change was almost certainly made to avoid confusion between him and the Punisher (Frank Castle).

Also not a criticism, but before that same Stormtrooper pulls out his deathstick, he appears to discard not only his blaster, but a small shield.

I couldn't say, off the top of my head, so you're probably better off checking a 'best of' list elsewhere, but I'm pretty sure there are a couple of episodes with Jar Jar early on ('Bombad Jedi' and 'The Gungan General', although the latter is the second half of a two parter, and the first part doesn't feature Jar

There's a number of not so good episodes early on, but if you can make it past them (or skip them) there's some pretty great stories in there. Highly recommend, if you want more Star Wars.

I get the feeling Abrams and co thought having Finn being remorseful would have interfered too much with the triumphant bro bonding between him and Poe. Can't have your cake and eat it too, and so on.

Have you seen the Clone Wars series? 'Cause I'd say they did *some* interesting things with clones in that.

I had this exact same thought. Especially since Finn was introduced as FN-2187, which I had at first assumed was a clone designation, but later turned out to be just a random number assigned to him. I figured it was a bait and switch kind of thing; 'so Finn is just an ordinary guy, and Poe was the clone! didn't see

It's kinda weird how the thing that triggers his breakdown during the opening scene is a fellow Stormtrooper basically dying in his arms, and then he thinks it's wrong to slaughter the innocents, but he seems to have no trouble slaughtering his hitherto comrades-in-arms the moment he decides to desert. He must kill at