
I'd noticed the lack of Chewie/Leia hugging at the end, but this didn't even occur to me. Holy shit, who let that happen?

As others have said, the brief shot of her as a child includes her crying while a ship takes off in the background, and she's being led away by the scavenger lord. Then when she's scrubbing her daily haul and pauses to glance across the bench at the weathered old crone ('that's going to be me one day'), a diminutive

Rey mentions when she and Finn first climb aboard that the Millennium Falcon hasn't flown for years, which means it's been on Jakku for years. Apparently that junkyard guy stole it just so it could collect dust.

I thought this too. It was okay until the big spinning long shot, at which point I was like, 'Okay, this isn't two people conveying a lot of emotion without words, it's J.J. Abrams overselling the moment.

Reading lists like this is simultaneously exciting and depressing, learning just how many hours of outstanding TV I manage to miss out on in a given year.

I think the Lash fight happening off-screen was more (cost) effective - we didn't need to see another pair of Hydra goons get holes blown in their chests. I agree about the Bobbi fight, though. This episode could have used a great fight scene to kick it up another notch, and that would have done nicely.

I'm with you on the Eric Williams hypothesis. There are too many parallels between his childhood and Ward's for it to be a coincidence, surely. Which could potentially mean that Wonder Man is going to join the Secret Warriors.

You mean Captain Phasma? (You probably mean something else, but Phasma's the only example I can think of.) Anyway, Phasma's pretty clearly a special case, and Gwendoline Christie is 6'3" compared to Sabine's 5'7", so it's not like they could get away with wearing identical suits of armour. And regardless, if female

The Inquisitors aren't technically Sith, so the rule of two doesn't apply. Same loophole as Assaj Ventress during the Clone Wars.

I was under the impression that each time he was unaware that he would have to die until he reached the diamond wall. It's not until he sees it and realises he's trapped that 'bird' means anything to him. Then he gets zapped, climbs back to the start, and basically reloads an earlier save file. That earlier save file

This is a good point. Still, considering no one has ever seen female Stormtrooper armour, I stand by original argument.

I think Sabine's ability to easily sneak around in Stormtrooper armour is pretty debatable. She's too short, too slim and clearly sounds like a girl/woman. Considering they mentioned Rex being a little hefty for the armour a few times, I really don't think she could have managed.

Vader allowed Kanan and Ezra to escape, because he wanted them to lead him to the rest of the fleet. That plan didn't go perfectly, but considering it allowed Vader to kill half a dozen rebel A-Wing pilots and destroy a rebel cruiser by himself, it wasn't the worst plan either.

MINOR SPOILERS, I GUESS: They've released concept art which places Vision on Stark's team.

The subtitle for the 'Sokovia Accords' document in the trailer is: 'Framework for the Registration and Deployment of Enhanced Individuals'. So no, they're not stripping the registration stuff.

Sign that this was a good episode: I was watching this while washing the dishes, and then it got to the horror bit and I had to pause it because I realised I didn't want to miss anything.

In regards to the writers not knowing what to do with Lincoln: From the moment they announced they were doing Secret Warriors, I figured that Lincoln would be the stand-in for JT James, in that he'd be a bit of a loose cannon and have feelings for Daisy, and that tracks with what we've seen so far. The main problem

She was also very interested in finding out where that anti-Zygon gas was.

While I still think it was generally pretty great, this two-parter lost points for me on predictability. I figured Clara was a Zygon the moment she stepped out of that apartment in the first episode, I figured the police woman in New Mexico was a Zygon about a minute after she appeared, I figured Kate was only

This is my one major complaint about the season so far, but hopefully with the Lash storyline chugging along we'll get more of this soon.