
SPOILERS, OBVIOUSLY Two of the villains, Captain Cold and Heatwave use guns which fire beams of absolute cold and absolute hot. Absolute cold (absolute zero, really) is the lowest temperature possible in the universe (around -273 Celsius), and the fact that a villain is running around with that is bad enough, but

I'm just trying to piece together Skye's various fights in my head. There's the one in the second half of season 2, right before she unleashes her powers for the first time, when she takes on a lone SHIELD strike team guy and wins, but not easily. And there's that one-shot fight right near the end of season 2, but

Maybe, but she probably realises he's either dead already, or back to the usual sitting-in-a-cave routine.

Bit young to recall the details myself, but supposedly there was a Gremlins ride at Movie World in Australia that my child self did not enjoy at all.

It might, you don't know me! *curls up under a blanket woven from his shattered hopes and dreams*

Yeah, the delay in her telling anyone is iffy. I don't know how long it actually was, but I'd just handwave it as a combination of recovery/ readjustment time, plus not wanting to hurt Fitz feelings, plus being worried that if she told anyone that she wanted to go back they'd forbid her. Because she does immediately

I'm pretty sure they said May took over as her SO after Ward went the way of the tentacles. So that'd be more like, 'She trained with May for well over 6 months.'

It took me far too long to figure out why Sue Vival was a funny name.

Pandas. Something had to be eating that bamboo.

Of course it is. Fitz is a grown ass man. If he wants to spend his life pursuing an unrequited love, that's his business.

Considering we still don't even know whether Andrew's dead or not, it probably would have been an unwelcome decision.

I feel like a lot of people are overemphasising the PTSD angle. While yes, I think she is somewhat traumatised (and it's not like her time on the planet was a breeze in the first place), most of her post-rescue troubles are probably related to survivor's guilt.

Don't get me started on that absolute hot/absolute cold nonsense…

Astronaut Mike Dexter?

I take it you've seen the IGN comments thread too?

'I have my problems with clones, but I don’t want those men to die.'
Really loved that line. A really nice hero moment for Kanan, and it also shows him recognising the clones as individuals, much like The Clone Wars itself did.

Interesting. I wonder if they'd approve of SPEAR (don't ask me what the acronym stands for), the Chinese version of SHIELD which The Ascendant work for. I'm guessing not.

China actually has its own version of the Avengers called The Ascendant in the comics, but they've only been in like, one issue of anything.

No spoilers, but Lash exists in the comics, and yes, he does have criteria when it comes to disintegrating Inhumans (or not). Whether they're going with the comic motivations or not is unclear at this point, but nothing he's done so far contradicts them.

Good question. Here's a better one: How does the the "ghost" Doctor