
Yes, causal loops have been used before, but it's still satisfying when they're done well. As is seeing the Doctor use his brain to get around the future seemingly have been set in stone.

Well, the first is a fair bit more exciting after having watched the movie that preceded it. The second is kinda hard to put into words. But yeah, if you were expecting a look at Doctor Strange, or Captain Marvel or whatever, then they aren't THAT exciting.

If you're still interested… (SPOILERS, OBVIOUSLY)

Nerd time. (May or may not ruin your perception of everything.)

Yeah, I had the same thought about Raina; something about her painting her visions instead of speaking them.

Yeah, that got me for a second too.

But bullets are speedsters too! Also, speedsters can move at normal speed. But okay.

I know I'm late to the party, but does anyone have an explanation for how Everyman (or for that matter, Joe's bullets) were able to penetrate the forcefield? Everyone seems to be satisfied that Everyman's hand never actually did the vibro-saw thing, while overlooking the fact that the trap was completely useless

Good news then, 'cause it's getting an extended cut.

Barry is such an idiot. Felicity's hacked into the robo-bees so they can't attack me anymore? Well, I guess I better just stay right where I am, two inches away from them and not go handcuff the woman attempting to regain control of them to her chair. (Also, what did he do to Brie? She slumped forward like she was

To be fair, they did secure that boat swarming with Hydra agents, and its mysteriously important cargo. That might turn out to be a bigger win than we realise.

Loved the ending, and the idea that Finn's spiritual journey led him to ask the right questions for Glob to realise what needed to be done to save his planet.

Came to say the same thing. I can deal with Barry's top speed fluctuating a little in order to make his various villains more or less of a threat, but this was such a laughably easy situation to defuse.

This has actually crossed my mind. (The mind control herb was referenced in the flashbacks as well, though.)

That guy always comes back.

It was an odd ending for me. The moment it became clear that Oliver was going to duel Ra's, I knew he was going to lose, which meant I knew he was going to die, and that he'd almost certainly be resurrected in a Lazarus Pit. It kind of let me accept his death in advance, so it had less of an impact once it happened.

Just on the DNA point, on average, full siblings share 50% of their DNA, while half siblings share 25%. So yeah, it might be a bit of a stretch.

As far as I could tell, the crystal exploded into mist, and the explosion shattered the outer metal casing that had previously contained the crystal. Some shrapnel from the casing hit Trip in the chest, which then turned him to stone.

She seems to become less competent with each appearance, doesn't she?
a) Deliberately tries to kill a valuable asset (Deadshot), who was obediently following her orders until he found out she was deliberately trying to kill him, resulting in a drone strike on an unassuming stretch of road, and a narrowly avoided

Really great episode. Best of the season for me, and better than the Flash part of the crossover (though that was still good).