
Really love where all this seems to be going.

In regards to the Namor rights, I believe they are back with Marvel Studios, but it's 'more complicated than that'.

I definitely heard run. No captions.

Bit late to the party, and someone may have already mentioned it, but I'm pretty sure Chas managed to save dozens of people's lives by repeatedly sacrificing himself to the model ghost (until he eventually figured out how to stall it). That seems pretty handy to me.

I'd like to see Cupid bump into Deadshot over in the Suicide Squad, and immediately starts obsessing over him. And then have him just go with it.

I found it funny how long they lingered on the Grodd sign at the end. Anyone who knows who Grodd is would have figured out what was happening the moment they saw a gorilla, but for everyone else that seemingly momentous revelation wouldn't have meant much of anything.

Yeah, I know. But that doesn't change the fact that I might have survived longer than Osgood if I'd just tranquilized Missy.

Did they even need her to explain the plan? Danny learns the full extent of the plan when he has his emotions switched off. And if Missy had been knocked out then she would have died (most likely) when the plane crashed, so there would have been no one around to command the Cybermen to do anything. At that point, the

But they tranquilized her not ten minutes before that. She wasn't going to do much murdering while unconscious, was she?

She was shot by CyberBrigadier, not her own little weapon dealy, so the colour doesn't necessarily mean anything. It certainly did seem like she teleported, though.

Yeah, I understand that, but clearly someone is taking the ploy at face value, whether it be the people working at W3, or the Doctor/Clara. So the fact that it makes little/no sense should occur to them too.

I don't know why, but I didn't really care about what was happening at any point during this episode. I feel like I should be able to articulate that better, but I can't. Anyway…

Really don't know what to think about this one, largely because I kind of sided with the Doctor.

Except that he was deliberately trying to be captured, so killing everyone would have been counter-intuitive. And once captured, the military (at least partially aware of what he can do) would have searched him and taken anything he might use. So he would definitely not have been carrying his new diamond around with

A little late, maybe, but my favourite gag was definitely Yuji's auto-corrected tattoo. Man, I hope we see him again.

At the end, when she compliments his performance during that scene, he compliments hers, as well. You could swing that a number of ways, I guess, but I'd say she knew. And they needed to show him handing her the cure at some point, so why not during that conversation?

Yeah, the way I remember it, there's a scene where Quinn is wheeling it off the Bus onto his own plane, or something. Both he and Raina leave before the Cybertek base is attacked.

Don't know if you're actually looking for an answer, but Quinn ended up with the Gravitonium, which is fitting, considering it all started with him in the first place. And yes, there's a guy inside it (who has sufficient reason to hate both Quinn and Coulson).

As for the Fitz leaving the show thing, I assume it's just a matter of leaving it open so that he can come back next season significantly changed (in a wheelchair, cybernetic enhancements, whatever). *SPOILERS FOR THOR 2* Just like Odin at the end of The Dark World.

Well, looks like snarky police IT guy was right about it being a dead-end job.