but I understand from a narrative level how that might not work unless they just jumped into the RDR1 Remake.
but I understand from a narrative level how that might not work unless they just jumped into the RDR1 Remake.
First they came for Better Off Ted...
All of you lose for not picking Sonic’s jalapeño poppers
hitbox porn
and this makes that even funnierest
Guess that explains this weird shit:
life comes at you fast
I’ve been wondering about something that might be an interesting story for you. Are there standards around “best by” dates on beer? Like, are there any easy rules to convert it into a “born on” date?
It seems like what happened is an overzealous member of Virginia’s compliance office...
I haven’t played since the launch window, but I remember that I primarily moved around by exploiting the melee mechanic. Seems like that would be disorienting in VR, or did they get rid of that?
Nah, she’s just like her dad. Goes completely insane with rage at the slightest criticism. My guess is she never heard about that tweet until the alliance was already sealed. If she weren’t such a shitbag, I’d feel bad for her. Finding out her marriage is just a resume booster for someone who finds her repulsive.
I would think he’d be more forgiving
This one made me realize how much I’m looking forward to reading Roth in 30 years when he’s actually a wistful old man.
Tweets the n word because someone tweeted “bevor trauer”
I don’t know how to work with you here because I think every factual assertion you just made is obviously wrong. Not one single news cycle about his weakness has lasted even half as long as the recent dumb shit about Ilhan, for example. It was like five minutes ago that daddy deals got punked by a toddler in North…
That’s what I mean about post-politics. I wasn’t just being colorful with the “weird dick” thing. Use the impeachment process not to show that he is a bad president, but to make him look like a weak little bitch to his chuds in ways they actually care about. Get Stormy Daniels in a hearing and lead her to an…
The country didn’t elect trump; his voters did. And his voters fall into two categories. Republicans who care about the policies and bigots who care about owning the libs. The republicans are going to vote for him/the R nominee no matter what. They are a lost cause. The lib owners don’t give a shit about policies or…
What kind of pitch for 2020 is it to say “We are the party all for impeaching Trump for the awful shit you knew about him when you elected him the first time”?
Who the fuck is trying to pitch his voters for 2020? Flipping his supporters is not a strategy! How many more Cletus safaris do you need to read to give up on that? And no pitch needs to be made to everyone else. The only voters in play are the ones who don’t care about politics but love the strongman. Killing that…
Useful for 2020. Everyone knows he’s bad. Everyone knows he’s a crook. His supporters don’t care. The only thing that will hurt his support is making him look weak and pathetic. Dems could use the investigative/impeachment processes to create 18 months of embarrassing, degrading nightly news hits.