Mister McGibblets

“I choose to remove myself from criticism, while still earning money from any new Freddy’s games that come out. Conveniently, since I won’t be the public face anymore, many who might have hesitated to buy them will decide that this makes it fine to again. Even though I’ll still get the money and almost certainly still

Those are some bold claims.

False... but bold.

This just in: a crime isn’t a crime if the Other does something worse. Film at eleven.

Yeah, never think about anything. Just buy or don’t buy. Criticism, critique, even stopping for one moment to say “Does this make sense?”: not even once!

Hey, where’s that brave hero who was calling out Luke’s and Kotaku’s supposed bias in the Xbox article? You reading this, ding dong? How’s that shoe taste?

It’s fucking awful!! but thank god for that latest tab!

We tend believe that a break up always has a dumper and a dumpee, and that the dumpee gets to be hurt and sad but the dumper is supposed to be happy or something. But that’s silly. Everyone gets to mourn the relationship they intended to have, that they thought would be their forever. You get to be sad about the

Just gonna drop Riley’s review here:

ummmm...Considering the woman claims she didn’t know he was married, lied about his wedding ring, and allegedly there are other women he’s done this to

That’s not consensual at all.

It’s his business, but it will end up affecting Valhalla, which is why this is being reported.

Black Lives Matter

For the past several days, the police killing of a black man, George Floyd, has stoked righteous anger and protest

And when you’ve paid your debt to society and can’t re-integrate? What then?

fuck off 

Much respect Jason, for the work you’ve done and the decision you’ve made.

Damn, this isn’t unexpected, but I hate to see you leave. Thank you so much for the hard work and great reads over the years. I look forward to seeing where you go next and will follow. The owners of this site don’t deserve to employ you or your talented co-workers.

I’m always slightly in awe of the journalists that manage to combine knowing their beat inside and out with the genuine perceptiveness that’s required to understand what isn’t being covered but should be, and how that fits into a larger picture. When I think back on the work you’ve done on crunch & working conditions a

Improving the culture of a company is a hard thing to do that takes a lot of time. I hope that it works out for all the people on the ground at Rockstar. To make the culture of a company worse, all you really have to do is to start an herb garden.

Stuff like this is important regardless of the stakes (meaning whether its video games or working in a hospital) because so much is built on the backs of the people working. While changes like this don’t change the world, they do a world of change for an individual.