It’s not a “fake” it’s an original Grand National. My brother drove one for 10 years.
It’s not a “fake” it’s an original Grand National. My brother drove one for 10 years.
I guess you’d rather read the kind of smarmy, fluffy campaign-trail fodder that’s usually fed us by the major news outlets? Have fun with that.
It really makes you paws and reflect
Hey there heywhat! long time no see! I’m in the grays these days, it seems ... :-(
Happy Holidays everyone!
So that’s the cover story when the “normies” see your hateful, racist rhetoric? “Oh, that’s just sarcasm and mockery! We’re all such kidders!!”
The reality is that he’s done nothing right. Ergo, reality is an “anti-trump bigot.”
“I believe these women are telling the truth about Louis CK.”
“The women rumored to have been victimized by Louis C.K. at the Aspen Comedy Festival have declined to talk publicly about their experiences.”
Nixon’s resignation.
Philip wanted to defect back all the way back in the pilot episode, remember?
What’s to stop fake-news reporters from inventing fake bios?
Go ahead and laugh. But until you’ve experienced Post Traumatic Brunch Syndrome for yourself, you can’t possibly know what Cat is going through.