I wouldn’t know, I don’t see color, only character,
I wouldn’t know, I don’t see color, only character,
Love all the non-male likely non-gays weighing in on valid discussions within the gay male community /s. Thanks for your two cents.
Bless your heart.
The only reason the ATC’s could start calling in sick was because Pelosi held the Dem caucus together in such an unbreakable front that the R’s couldn’t find anyplace to chip away at it. The fact that people don’t understand how hard that is doesn’t mean it’s not the most important aspect of the past month+. Boehner…
Just read the whole thing. Sweet and sour Jesus, that is some all-time bad writing.
People “are upset that there are too many things [they] can’t say anymore.”
Those are all short cows. If Knickers is 6'4" then those cows are way shorter than the average adult cow height of 4'10-5'. It’s a cowspiracy.
I get what ursine.
I’m not entirely convinced that Splinter writers aren’t secret conservative operatives trying to suppress the Democratic vote. If they’re not, I’m not entirely convinced that secret conservative operators could do a better job of it.
It’s Splinter. They can’t bother to actually edit their articles for typos, or to make sure they aren’t misrepresenting the source material, or to ensure they have their facts straight. But you can be damn sure if you submit a political article, you’d better be sure to bash Democrats or else it’s coming back with an “I…
It’s amazing that one of the takeaways from this is somehow “don’t vote for Democrats.”
Yes, vote for Democrats. Is that question a fucking joke? How can you look at today’s horrible Supreme Court decisions and think anything other than voting AGAINST the Republican in any election by voting FOR the Democrats is acceptable? This Supreme Court will set back progress for DECADES, all because Hillary…
The ice must have been cold.
What power imbalance? She isn’t in his industry, he has no control over her. If she had left on her own accord after dinner, nothing bad would happen to her.
The story reads to me like a groupie dissatisfied she was treated like a groupie.
The above photo is not a stock photo or an image created by The Root’s art department. It is an actual flyer…
I know you are long since numb to it, and I know every day is worse than the last, but I’d like you to remember just…
Screw you, Redford! I will continue to use Pat Tillman as I patriotically rock out to Springsteen’s “Born in the USA!”