Mister Fox

So you take issue with the fact that Barbara recovered at all?

Is that really troubling given the source material?

Yes, non-lethal bullets are a stupid way to justify putting guns in a game with non-lethal combat. It was particularly dumb in Arkham Knight where your tank somehow had non-lethal miniguns and explosives. Oh, and all the enemy tanks and helicopters you blew up were conveniently unmanned drones.

They sure do talk a lot about character arcs and plot points while not showing any real extended story focused footage.

Mr. King, I didn’t know you read Jez!

You have my wife’s attention and she only watches horror movies.

Gives me a great idea for a horror flick.

With the way things are going, this’ll be the next thing conservatives will dredge up to panic about. Pretty soon we’re going to need to buy a lot more guns and ammo to protect ourselves from the witch menace!


The location of the lawsuit was deliberately chosen so that it could be televised, and that no matter what, Amber would come out as a villainous aggressor, the worst kind of woman, on the national stage because of how our mysogyny works.

I kind of wish that this case was taken at case value so we could avoid the sticky particulars like this. If you say, ‘Oh they had a toxic relationship and abused each other-’

Except that’s not a great example to use as that was an isolated case admitted to in a pressurised environment. The Petito case isn’t a case about defining whether it was mutual abuse or not but the authorities once again seeing all the warning signs of escalation to murder regardless of the nature of the relationship

I can point to individual cases too!

Equal, but...”

Women should be equal, but if they get violent with men, either let it happen or if a man does have to fight back, do it gently, because of the power dynamic. Take the beating, otherwise you’re the abuser.

#notall. An overexageration on my part. I wonder how many women realize the extent to which they themselves reinforce the same exact male gender traits that can cause so much pain and suffering.

So we should lie about it when women abuse men because it might make another woman not accuse her abuser? This logic infantilizes women. You don’t need the dreaded, ‘Patriarchy’ on your side to manipulate someone emotionally. You don’t need to be a man to beat or use a weapon on your partner. You’re disrespecting

Biden is a mainstream neoliberal piece of shit from last century and will do nothing, unless he realizes (correctly) that it will be even easier for the state to maintain student borrowers in permanent neo-serfdom by transferring oversight for a portion of their debt from the relatively tame Department of Education to

Here’s the real rub: not quite so many of his fans are as pro-trans as his outraged fans think. There are still many, many transphobic people, and given that more Netflix subscribers left because of the price hike and not because of its defence of Chappell should tell you all that the trans community and their allies

The backlash to the backlash of this has been “Well if you’re SO offended don’t go to comedy shows! The joke wasn’t even that bad!”